Hyperparameter tuning

Running a hyperparameter tuning trial with ZenML.

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Hyperparameter Tuning

Hyperparameter tuning is not yet a first-class citizen in ZenML, but it is (high up) on our roadmap of features and will likely receive first-class ZenML support soon. In the meanwhile, the following example shows how hyperparameter tuning can currently be implemented within a ZenML run.

A basic iteration through a number of hyperparameters can be achieved with ZenML by using a simple pipeline like this:

def my_pipeline(step_count: int) -> None:
    data = load_data_step()
    after = []
    for i in range(step_count):
        train_step(data, learning_rate=i * 0.0001, name=f"train_step_{i}")
    model = select_model_step(..., after=after)

This is an implementation of a basic grid search (across a single dimension) that would allow for a different learning rate to be used across the same train_step. Once that step has been run for all the different learning rates, the select_model_step finds which hyperparameters gave the best results or performance.

The main challenge of this implementation is that it is currently not possible to pass a variable number of artifacts into a step programmatically, so the select_model_step needs to query all artifacts produced by the previous steps via the ZenML Client instead:

from zenml import step, get_step_context
from zenml.client import Client

def select_model_step():
    run_name = get_step_context().pipeline_run.name
    run = Client().get_pipeline_run(run_name)

    # Fetch all models trained by a 'train_step' before
    trained_models_by_lr = {}
    for step_name, step in run.steps.items():
        if step_name.startswith("train_step"):
            for output_name, output in step.outputs.items():
                if output_name == "<NAME_OF_MODEL_OUTPUT_IN_TRAIN_STEP>":
                    model = output.load()
                    lr = step.config.parameters["learning_rate"]
                    trained_models_by_lr[lr] = model
    # Evaluate the models to find the best one
    for lr, model in trained_models_by_lr.items():

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