Use failure/success hooks

Running failure and success hooks after step execution.

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Use failure/success hooks

Hooks are a way to perform an action after a step has completed execution. They can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as sending notifications, logging, or cleaning up resources after a step has been completed.

A hook executes right after step execution, within the same environment as the step, therefore it has access to all the dependencies that a step has. Currently, there are two sorts of hooks that can be defined: on_failure and on_success .

  • on_failure: This hook triggers in the event of a step failing.

  • on_success: This hook triggers in the event of a step succeeding.

Here is a short demo for hooks in ZenML:

Defining hooks

A hook can be defined as a callback function, and must be accessible within the repository where the pipeline and steps are located:

def on_failure():
    print("Step failed!")

def on_success():
    print("Step succeeded!")

def my_failing_step() -> int:
    """Returns an integer."""
    raise ValueError("Error")

def my_successful_step() -> int:
    """Returns an integer."""
    return 1

In this example, we define two hooks: on_failure and on_success, which print a message when the step fails or succeeds, respectively. We then use these hooks with two steps, my_failing_step and my_successful_step. When my_failing_step is executed, it raises a ValueError, which triggers the on_failure hook. Similarly, when my_successful_step is executed, it returns an integer successfully, which triggers the on_success hook.

A step can also be specified as a local user-defined function path (of the form mymodule.myfile.my_function). This is particularly useful when defining the hooks via a YAML Config.

Defining hooks on a pipeline level

In some cases, there is a need to define a hook on all steps of a given pipeline. Rather than having to define it on all steps individually, you can also specify any hook on the pipeline level.

@pipeline(on_failure=on_failure, on_success=on_success)
def my_pipeline(...):

Note, that step-level defined hooks take precedence over pipeline-level defined hooks.

Accessing step information inside a hook

A hook function signature can optionally take two type annotated arguments of the following types:

  • StepContext: You can pass an object inside a hook of type StepContext to get access to information such as pipeline name, run name, step name, the parameters of your step and more.

  • BaseException: In case of failure hooks, if you add an BaseException argument to the hook, then ZenML passes the concrete Exception that caused your step to fail.

from zenml.steps import StepContext
from zenml import step

# Use one or any of these in the signature
def on_failure(context: StepContext, exception: BaseException):
    print(context.step_name)  # Output will be `my_step`
    print(context.parameters)  # Use this to access the parameters of the step
    print(type(exception))  # Of type value error
    print("Step failed!")

def my_step(some_parameter: int = 1)
    raise ValueError("My exception")

Linking to the Alerter Stack component

A common use case is to use the Alerter component inside the failure or success hooks to notify relevant people. It is quite easy to do this:

def on_failure(context: StepContext):
        f"{context.step_name} just failed!"

ZenML provides standard failure and success hooks that use the alerter you have configured in your stack. Here's an example of how to use them in your pipelines:

from zenml.hooks import alerter_success_hook, alerter_failure_hook

@step(on_failure=alerter_failure_hook, on_success=alerter_success_hook)
def my_step(...):

Using the OpenAI ChatGPT failure hook

The OpenAI ChatGPT failure hook is a hook that uses the OpenAI integration to generate a possible fix for whatever exception caused the step to fail. It is quite easy to use. (You will need a valid OpenAI API key that has correctly set up billing for this.)

Note that using this integration will incur charges on your OpenAI account.

First, ensure that you have the OpenAI integration installed and have stored your API key within a ZenML secret:

zenml integration install openai
zenml secret create openai --api_key=<YOUR_API_KEY>

Then, you can use the hook in your pipeline:

from zenml.integration.openai.hooks import openai_chatgpt_alerter_failure_hook

def my_step(...):

If you had set up a Slack alerter as your alerter, for example, then you would see a message like this:

You can use the suggestions as input that can help you fix whatever is going wrong in your code. If you have GPT-4 enabled for your account, you can use the openai_gpt4_alerter_failure_hook hook instead (imported from the same module).

Last updated