Choose Functional vs. Class-Based API

How to define pipelines and steps with functional and class-based APIs

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In ZenML there are two different ways how you can define pipelines or steps. What you have seen in the previous sections is the Functional API, where steps and pipelines are defined as Python functions with a @step or @pipeline decorator respectively. This is the API that is used primarily throughout the ZenML docs and examples.

Alternatively, you can also define steps and pipelines using the Class-Based API by creating Python classes that subclass ZenML's abstract base classes BaseStep and BasePipeline directly. Internally, both APIs will result in similar definitions, so it is entirely up to you which API to use.

In the following, we will compare the two APIs using the code example from the previous section on Runtime Configuration:

Creating Steps

In order to create a step with the class-based API, you will need to create a subclass of zenml.steps.BaseStep and implement its entrypoint() method to perform the logic of the step.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin
from sklearn.svm import SVC

from zenml.steps import BaseStep, BaseStepConfig

class SVCTrainerStepConfig(BaseStepConfig):
    """Trainer params"""
    gamma: float = 0.001

class SVCTrainerStep(BaseStep):
    def entrypoint(
        config: SVCTrainerStepConfig,
        X_train: np.ndarray,
        y_train: np.ndarray,
    ) -> ClassifierMixin:
        """Train a sklearn SVC classifier."""
        model = SVC(gamma=config.gamma), y_train)
        return model

Creating Pipelines

Similarly, you can define a pipeline with the class-based API by subclassing zenml.pipelines.BasePipeline and implementing its connect() method:

from zenml.pipelines import BasePipeline

class FirstPipeline(BasePipeline):
    def connect(self, step_1, step_2):
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = step_1()
        step_2(X_train, y_train)

first_pipeline_instance = FirstPipeline(

As you saw in the example above, you can even mix and match the two APIs. Choose whichever style feels most natural to you!

Advanced Usage: Using decorators to give your steps superpowers

As you will learn later, ZenML has many integrations that allow you to add functionality like automated experiment tracking to your steps. Some of those integrations need to be initialized before they can be used, which ZenML wraps using special @enable_<INTEGRATION> decorators. Similar to the functional API, you can do this in the class-based API by adding a decorator to your BaseStep subclass:

from zenml.steps import BaseStep
from zenml.integrations.mlflow.mlflow_step_decorator import enable_mlflow

class TFTrainer(BaseStep):
    def entrypoint(
        x_train: np.ndarray,
        y_train: np.ndarray,
    ) -> tf.keras.Model:

Check out our MLflow, Wandb and whylogs examples for more information on how to use the specific decorators.

Last updated