Set Up a Minimal MLOps Stack on AWS

How to set up a minimal stack on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

This is an older version of the ZenML documentation. To read and view the latest version please visit this up-to-date URL.

Getting started with AWS

To get started using ZenML on the cloud, you need some basic infrastructure up and running which ZenML can use to run your pipelines. This step-by-step guide explains how to set up a basic cloud stack on AWS.

This guide represents one of many ways to create a cloud stack on AWS. You can customize this by adding additional components of replacing one of the components described in this guide.


  • Docker installed and running.

  • kubectl installed.

  • The AWS CLI installed and authenticated.

  • ZenML and the integrations for this tutorial stack installed:

    pip install zenml
    zenml integration install aws s3 kubernetes

Setting up the AWS resources

All the AWS setup steps can either be done using the AWS UI or CLI. Simply select the tab for your preferred option and let's get started. First open up a terminal which we'll use to store some values along the way which we'll need to configure our ZenML stack later.

Artifact Store (S3 bucket)

  • Go to the S3 website.

  • Click on Create bucket.

  • Select a descriptive name and a region. Let's also store these values in our terminal:

    REGION=<REGION> # for example us-west-1

Metadata Store (RDS MySQL database)

  • Go to the RDS website.

  • Make sure the correct region is selected on the top right (this region must be the same for all following steps).

  • Click on Create database.

  • Select Easy Create, MySQL, Free tier and enter values for your database name, username and password.

  • Note down the username and password:

  • Wait until the deployment is finished.

  • Select your new database and note down its endpoint:

  • Click on the active VPC security group, select Inbound rules and click on Edit inbound rules

  • Add a new rule with type MYSQL/Aurora and source Anywhere-IPv4. (Note: You can also restrict this to more limited IP address ranges or security groups if you want to limit access to your database.)

  • Go back to your database page and click on Modify in the top right.

  • In the Connectivity section, open the Advanced configuration and enable public access.

Container Registry (ECR)

  • Go to the ECR website.

  • Make sure the correct region is selected on the top right.

  • Click on Create repository.

  • Create a private repository called zenml-kubernetes with default settings.

  • Note down the URI of your registry:

    # This should be the prefix of your just created repository URI, 
    # e.g.

Orchestrator (EKS)

  • Follow this guide to create an Amazon EKS cluster role. We'll refer to this role as the cluster role in following steps.

  • Follow this guide to create an Amazon EC2 node role. We'll refer to this role as the node role in following steps.

  • Go to the IAM website, select Roles and edit the node role role.

  • Click on Add permissions and select Attach policies.

  • Attach the SecretsManagerReadWrite, and AmazonS3FullAccess policies to the role. The node role should now have the following attached policies: AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy, AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly, AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy, SecretsManagerReadWrite and AmazonS3FullAccess.

  • Go to the EKS website.

  • Make sure the correct region is selected on the top right.

  • Click on Add cluster and select Create.

  • Enter a name and select the cluster role for Cluster service role.

  • Keep the default values for the networking and logging steps and create the cluster.

  • Note down the cluster name:

  • After the cluster is created, select it and click on Add node group in the Compute tab.

  • Enter a name and select the node role.

  • Keep all other default values and create the node group.

Register the ZenML stack

  • Register the artifact store:

    zenml artifact-store register s3_store \
        --flavor=s3 \
  • Register the container registry and authenticate your local docker client

    zenml container-registry register ecr_registry \
        --flavor=aws \
    aws ecr get-login-password --region $REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ECR_URI
  • Register the metadata store:

    zenml metadata-store register rds_mysql \
        --flavor=mysql \
        --database=zenml \
        --secret=rds_authentication \
  • Register the secrets manager:

    zenml secrets-manager register aws_secrets_manager \
        --flavor=aws \
  • Configure your kubectl client and register the orchestrator:

    aws eks --region=$REGION update-kubeconfig --name=$EKS_CLUSTER_NAME
    kubectl create namespace zenml
    zenml orchestrator register eks_kubernetes_orchestrator \
        --flavor=kubernetes \
        --kubernetes_context=$(kubectl config current-context)
  • Register the ZenML stack and activate it:

    zenml stack register kubernetes_stack \
        -o eks_kubernetes_orchestrator \
        -a s3_store \
        -m rds_mysql \
        -c ecr_registry \
        -x aws_secrets_manager \
  • Register the secret for authenticating with your MySQL database:

    zenml secret register rds_authentication \
        --schema=mysql \
        --user=$RDS_MYSQL_USERNAME \

After all of this setup, you're now ready to run any ZenML pipeline on AWS!

Quick setup

If you're looking for a way to get started quickly, we've combined all the commands so you can copy-paste them and execute them in a single go. You'll only need to set values for the <REGION> and <RDS_MYSQL_PASSWORD> right at the beginning before executing the rest.

Quick setup commands
# Select one of the region codes for <REGION>:
# Choose a secure password for your database admin account. Make sure it includes:
# - at least 8 printable ASCII characters
# - no slash, single or double quotes or @ signs

# Other parameters (we've set some defaults for these but feel free to change them):

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket=$S3_BUCKET_NAME \
    --region=$REGION \

aws rds create-db-instance --engine=mysql \
    --db-instance-class=db.t3.micro \
    --allocated-storage=20 \
    --publicly-accessible \
    --db-instance-identifier=$MYSQL_DATABASE_ID \
    --region=$REGION \
    --master-username=$RDS_MYSQL_USERNAME \

# Wait until the database is created
aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-identifier=$MYSQL_DATABASE_ID \

# Fetch the endpoint
RDS_MYSQL_ENDPOINT=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --query='DBInstances[0].Endpoint.Address' \
    --output=text \
    --db-instance-identifier=$MYSQL_DATABASE_ID \

# Fetch the security group id
SECURITY_GROUP_ID=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --query='DBInstances[0].VpcSecurityGroups[0].VpcSecurityGroupId' \
    --db-instance-identifier=$MYSQL_DATABASE_ID \

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
    --protocol=tcp \
    --port=3306 \
    --cidr= \
    --group-id=$SECURITY_GROUP_ID \

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=zenml-kubernetes --region=$REGION

REGISTRY_ID=$(aws ecr describe-registry --region=$REGION --query=registryId --output=text)

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
aws iam create-role \
    --role-name=$EKS_ROLE_NAME \
aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --policy-arn='arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy' \

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
aws iam create-role \
    --role-name=$EC2_ROLE_NAME \
aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --policy-arn='arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy' \
aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --policy-arn='arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly' \
aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --policy-arn='arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy' \
aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --policy-arn='arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/SecretsManagerReadWrite' \
aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --policy-arn='arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess' \

# Get the role ARN's
EKS_ROLE_ARN=$(aws iam get-role --role-name=$EKS_ROLE_NAME --query='Role.Arn' --output=text)
EC2_ROLE_ARN=$(aws iam get-role --role-name=$EC2_ROLE_NAME --query='Role.Arn' --output=text)

# Get default VPC ID
VPC_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters='Name=is-default,Values=true' \
    --query='Vpcs[0].VpcId' \
    --output=text \

# Get subnet IDs
SUBNET_IDS=$(aws ec2 describe-subnets --region=$REGION \
    --filters="Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPC_ID" \
    --query='Subnets[*].SubnetId' \

aws eks create-cluster --region=$REGION \
    --name=$EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
    --role-arn=$EKS_ROLE_ARN \
    --resources-vpc-config="{\"subnetIds\": $SUBNET_IDS}"

# Wait until the cluster is active
aws eks wait cluster-active --name=$EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \

aws eks create-nodegroup --region=$REGION \
    --cluster-name=$EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
    --nodegroup-name=$NODEGROUP_NAME \
    --node-role=$EC2_ROLE_ARN \

# Wait until the node group is active
aws eks wait nodegroup-active --cluster-name=$EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
    --nodegroup-name=$NODEGROUP_NAME \

# ZenML stack setup
zenml artifact-store register s3_store \
    --flavor=s3 \

zenml container-registry register ecr_registry \
    --flavor=aws \

aws ecr get-login-password --region $REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ECR_URI

zenml metadata-store register rds_mysql \
    --flavor=mysql \
    --database=zenml \
    --secret=rds_authentication \

zenml secrets-manager register aws_secrets_manager \
    --flavor=aws \

aws eks --region=$REGION update-kubeconfig --name=$EKS_CLUSTER_NAME
kubectl create namespace zenml

zenml orchestrator register eks_kubernetes_orchestrator \
    --flavor=kubernetes \
    --kubernetes_context=$(kubectl config current-context)

zenml stack register kubernetes_stack \
        -o eks_kubernetes_orchestrator \
        -a s3_store \
        -m rds_mysql \
        -c ecr_registry \
        -x aws_secrets_manager \

zenml secret register rds_authentication \
        --schema=mysql \
        --user=$RDS_MYSQL_USERNAME \

Last updated