Kubernetes Metadata Store

How to store ML metadata in MySQL database deployed on Kubernetes

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The Kubernetes Metadata Store is a spin off the MySQL Metadata Store provided with the Kubernetes ZenML integration. In addition to functioning like a regular MySQL Metadata Store, it is also able to automatically provision a MySQL database service on top of a Kubernetes cluster and connect to it.

When would you want to use it?

You should use the Kubernetes Metadata Store if you have access to a Kubernetes cluster and are looking for a quick and convenient way to provision and configure a Metadata Store that can be used to share your pipeline information with other members of your team or organization. A quick way to get you started using ZenML in a collaborative setting, if you have access to a Kubernetes cluster, is to use the Kubernetes Metadata Store and the Kubernetes Orchestrator together in the same stack.

The Kubernetes Metadata Store is not suited for production use because it lacks the scalability, performance and maintainability required from a production MLOps stack.

You should consider one of the other Metadata Store flavors if you don't have access to a Kubernetes cluster or if you wish to use an alternative that is better suited for production.

How do you deploy it?

The Kubernetes Metadata Store flavor is provided by the Kubernetes ZenML integration, you need to install it on your local machine to be able to register a Kubernetes Metadata Store and add it to your stack:

zenml integration install kubernetes -y

This guide also assumes you have already installed the kubectl utility on your machine and have configured access to a Kubernetes cluster using a kubectl config context. With the kubectl configuration context name on hand, registering a Kubernetes Metadata Store and using it in a stack can be done as follows:

# Register the Kubernetes metadata store
zenml metadata-store register k8s_metadata_store --flavor=kubernetes \
    --deployment_name=mysql \
    --kubernetes_context==<kubernetes-context-name> \

# Register and set a stack with the new metadata store
zenml stack register k8s_stack -m k8s_metadata_store  ... --set

# Run `zenml stack up` to deploy the MySQL database service and forward the
# MySQL port locally
zenml stack up

The zenml stack up command must be run locally to deploy the MySQL database service in the remote Kubernetes cluster and to forward the MySQL service port locally.

For more, up-to-date information on the Kubernetes Metadata Store implementation and its configuration, you can have a look at the API docs.

How do you use it?

Aside from the fact that the metadata information is stored using a MySQL database deployed in a Kubernetes cluster, using the Kubernetes Metadata Store is no different than using any other flavor of Metadata Store.

You can also check out our examples pages for working examples that use the Kubernetes Metadata Store in their stacks:

Last updated