
Executing individual steps in Kubernetes Pods.

ZenML's Kubernetes step operator allows you to submit individual steps to be run on Kubernetes pods.

When to use it

You should use the Kubernetes step operator if:

  • one or more steps of your pipeline require computing resources (CPU, GPU, memory) that are not provided by your orchestrator.

  • you have access to a Kubernetes cluster.

How to deploy it

The Kubernetes step operator requires a Kubernetes cluster in order to run. There are many ways to deploy a Kubernetes cluster using different cloud providers or on your custom infrastructure, and we can't possibly cover all of them, but you can check out our cloud guide.

How to use it

To use the Kubernetes step operator, we need:

  • The ZenML kubernetes integration installed. If you haven't done so, run

    zenml integration install kubernetes
  • A Kubernetes cluster deployed

  • Either Docker installed and running or a remote image builder in your stack.

  • A remote artifact store as part of your stack. This is needed so that both your orchestration environment and Kubernetes Pods can read and write step artifacts. Check out the documentation page of the artifact store you want to use for more information on how to set that up and configure authentication for it.

We can then register the step operator and use it in our stacks. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Using a Service Connector configured to access the remote Kubernetes cluster. Depending on your cloud provider, this should be either an AWS, Azure or GCP service connector. If you're using a Kubernetes cluster that is not provided by any of these, you can use the generic Kubernetes service connector. You can then connect the stack component to the Service Connector:

    $ zenml step-operator register <NAME> --flavor kubernetes
    Running with active stack: 'default' (repository)
    Successfully registered step operator `<NAME>`.
    $ zenml service-connector list-resources --resource-type kubernetes-cluster -e
    The following 'kubernetes-cluster' resources can be accessed by service connectors that you have configured:
    ┃             CONNECTOR ID             │ CONNECTOR NAME        │ CONNECTOR TYPE │ RESOURCE TYPE         │ RESOURCE NAMES      ┃
    ┃ e33c9fac-5daa-48b2-87bb-0187d3782cde │ aws-iam-multi-eu      │ 🔶 aws         │ 🌀 kubernetes-cluster │ kubeflowmultitenant ┃
    ┃                                      │                       │                │                       │ zenbox              ┃
    ┃ ed528d5a-d6cb-4fc4-bc52-c3d2d01643e5 │ aws-iam-multi-us      │ 🔶 aws         │ 🌀 kubernetes-cluster │ zenhacks-cluster    ┃
    ┃ 1c54b32a-4889-4417-abbd-42d3ace3d03a │ gcp-sa-multi          │ 🔵 gcp         │ 🌀 kubernetes-cluster │ zenml-test-cluster  ┃
    $ zenml step-operator connect <NAME> --connector aws-iam-multi-us
    Running with active stack: 'default' (repository)
    Successfully connected step_operator `<NAME>` to the following resources:
    ┃ ed528d5a-d6cb-4fc4-bc52-c3d2d01643e5 │ aws-iam-multi-us │ 🔶 aws         │ 🌀 kubernetes-cluster │ zenhacks-cluster ┃
  2. Using the local Kubernetes kubectl client. This client needs to be configured with a configuration context pointing to the remote cluster. The kubernetes_context configuration attribute must also be configured with the value of that context:

    zenml step-operator register <NAME> \
        --flavor=kubernetes \

We can then use the registered step operator in our active stack:

# Add the step operator to the active stack
zenml stack update -s <NAME>

Once you added the step operator to your active stack, you can use it to execute individual steps of your pipeline by specifying it in the @step decorator as follows:

from zenml import step

def trainer(...) -> ...:
    """Train a model."""
    # This step will be executed in Kubernetes.

Interacting with pods via kubectl

For debugging, it can sometimes be handy to interact with the Kubernetes pods directly via kubectl. To make this easier, we have added the following labels to all pods:

  • run: the name of the ZenML run.

  • pipeline: the name of the ZenML pipeline associated with this run.

E.g., you can use these labels to manually delete all pods related to a specific pipeline:

kubectl delete pod -n zenml -l pipeline=kubernetes_example_pipeline

Additional configuration

For additional configuration of the Kubernetes step operator, you can pass KubernetesStepOperatorSettings which allows you to configure (among others) the following attributes:

  • pod_settings: Node selectors, labels, affinity, and tolerations, and image pull secrets to apply to the Kubernetes Pods. These can be either specified using the Kubernetes model objects or as dictionaries.

  • service_account_name: The name of the service account to use for the Kubernetes Pods.

from zenml.integrations.kubernetes.flavors import KubernetesStepOperatorSettings
from kubernetes.client.models import V1Toleration

kubernetes_settings = KubernetesStepOperatorSettings(
        "node_selectors": {
            "cloud.google.com/gke-nodepool": "ml-pool",
            "kubernetes.io/arch": "amd64"
        "affinity": {
            "nodeAffinity": {
                "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": {
                    "nodeSelectorTerms": [
                            "matchExpressions": [
                                    "key": "gpu-type",
                                    "operator": "In",
                                    "values": ["nvidia-tesla-v100", "nvidia-tesla-p100"]
        "tolerations": [
        "resources": {
            "requests": {
                "cpu": "2",
                "memory": "4Gi",
                "nvidia.com/gpu": "1"
            "limits": {
                "cpu": "4",
                "memory": "8Gi",
                "nvidia.com/gpu": "1"
        "annotations": {
            "prometheus.io/scrape": "true",
            "prometheus.io/port": "8080"
        "volumes": [
                "name": "data-volume",
                "persistentVolumeClaim": {
                    "claimName": "ml-data-pvc"
                "name": "config-volume",
                "configMap": {
                    "name": "ml-config"
        "volume_mounts": [
                "name": "data-volume",
                "mountPath": "/mnt/data"
                "name": "config-volume",
                "mountPath": "/etc/ml-config",
                "readOnly": True
        "host_ipc": True,
        "image_pull_secrets": ["regcred", "gcr-secret"],
        "labels": {
            "app": "ml-pipeline",
            "environment": "production",
            "team": "data-science"

        "step_operator": kubernetes_settings
def my_kubernetes_step():

Check out the SDK docs for a full list of available attributes and this docs page for more information on how to specify settings.

For more information and a full list of configurable attributes of the Kubernetes steop operator, check out the SDK Docs .

Enabling CUDA for GPU-backed hardware

Note that if you wish to use this step operator to run steps on a GPU, you will need to follow the instructions on this page to ensure that it works. It requires adding some extra settings customization and is essential to enable CUDA for the GPU to give its full acceleration.

Last updated

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