You're a system architect tasked with setting up a scalable ML infrastructure that needs to:
Support multiple ML teams with different requirements
Work across multiple environments (dev, staging, prod)
Maintain security and compliance standards
Allow teams to iterate quickly without infrastructure bottlenecks
The ZenML Approach
ZenML introduces stack components as abstractions over infrastructure resources. Let's explore how to architect this effectively with Terraform using the official ZenML provider.
Part 1: Foundation - Stack Component Architecture
The Problem
Different teams need different ML infrastructure configurations, but you want to maintain consistency and reusability.
The Solution: Component-Based Architecture
Start by breaking down your infrastructure into reusable modules that map to ZenML stack components:
# modules/zenml_stack_base/
terraform {
required_providers {
zenml = {
source = "zenml-io/zenml"
google = {
source = "hashicorp/google"
resource "random_id" "suffix" {
# This will generate a string of 12 characters, encoded as base64 which makes
# it 8 characters long
byte_length = 6
# Create base infrastructure resources, including a shared object storage,
# and container registry. This module should also create resources used to
# authenticate with the cloud provider and authorize access to the resources
# (e.g. user accounts, service accounts, workload identities, roles,
# permissions etc.)
module "base_infrastructure" {
source = "./modules/base_infra"
environment = var.environment
project_id = var.project_id
region = var.region
# Generate consistent random naming across resources
resource_prefix = "zenml-${var.environment}-${random_id.suffix.hex}"
# Create a flexible service connector for authentication
resource "zenml_service_connector" "base_connector" {
name = "${var.environment}-base-connector"
type = "gcp"
auth_method = "service-account"
configuration = {
project_id = var.project_id
region = var.region
service_account_json = module.base_infrastructure.service_account_key
labels = {
environment = var.environment
# Create base stack components
resource "zenml_stack_component" "artifact_store" {
name = "${var.environment}-artifact-store"
type = "artifact_store"
flavor = "gcp"
configuration = {
path = "gs://${module.base_infrastructure.artifact_store_bucket}/artifacts"
connector_id =
resource "zenml_stack_component" "container_registry" {
name = "${var.environment}-container-registry"
type = "container_registry"
flavor = "gcp"
configuration = {
uri = module.base_infrastructure.container_registry_uri
connector_id =
resource "zenml_stack_component" "orchestrator" {
name = "${var.environment}-orchestrator"
type = "orchestrator"
flavor = "vertex"
configuration = {
location = var.region
workload_service_account = "${module.base_infrastructure.service_account_email}"
connector_id =
# Create the base stack
resource "zenml_stack" "base_stack" {
name = "${var.environment}-base-stack"
components = {
artifact_store =
container_registry =
orchestrator =
labels = {
environment = var.environment
type = "base"
Different environments (dev, staging, prod) require:
Different authentication methods and security levels
Environment-specific resource configurations
Isolation between environments to prevent cross-environment impacts
Consistent management patterns while maintaining flexibility
The Solution: Environment Configuration Pattern with Smart Authentication
Create a flexible service connector setup that adapts to your environment. For example,
in development, a service account might be the more flexible pattern, while in production we go through
workload identity. Combine environment-specific configurations with appropriate authentication methods:
Different ML projects often require strict isolation of data and security to prevent unauthorized access and ensure compliance with security policies. Ensuring that each project has its own isolated resources, such as artifact stores or orchestrators, is crucial to prevent data leakage and maintain the integrity of each project's environment. This focus on data and security isolation is essential for managing multiple ML projects securely and effectively.
The Solution: Resource Scoping Pattern
Implement resource sharing with project isolation:
# Create environment-specific connectors with clear purposes
resource "zenml_service_connector" "env_connector" {
name = "${var.environment}-${var.purpose}-connector"
type = var.connector_type
# Use workload identity for production
auth_method = var.environment == "prod" ? "workload-identity" : "service-account"
# Use a specific resource type and resource ID
resource_type = var.resource_type
resource_id = var.resource_id
labels = merge(local.common_labels, {
purpose = var.purpose
terraform {
backend "gcs" {
prefix = "terraform/state"
# Separate state files for infrastructure and ZenML
workspace_prefix = "zenml-"
# Use data sources to reference infrastructure state
data "terraform_remote_state" "infrastructure" {
backend = "gcs"
config = {
bucket = var.state_bucket
prefix = "terraform/infrastructure"
These practices help maintain a clean, scalable, and maintainable infrastructure codebase while following infrastructure-as-code best practices. Remember to:
Keep configurations DRY using locals and variables
Use consistent naming conventions across resources
Document all required configuration fields
Consider component dependencies when organizing stacks
Separate infrastructure and ZenML registration state
Ensure that the ML operations team manages the registration state to maintain control over the ZenML stack components and their configurations. This helps in keeping the infrastructure and ML operations aligned and allows for better tracking and auditing of changes.
Building ML infrastructure with ZenML and Terraform enables you to create a flexible, maintainable, and secure environment for ML teams. The official ZenML provider simplifies the process while maintaining clean infrastructure patterns.