Artifacts naming

Understand how you can name your ZenML artifacts.

In ZenML pipelines, you often need to reuse the same step multiple times with different inputs, resulting in multiple artifacts. However, the default naming convention for artifacts can make it challenging to track and differentiate between these outputs, especially when they need to be used in subsequent pipelines. Below you can find a detailed exploration of how you might name your output artifacts dynamically or statically, depending on your needs.

ZenML uses type annotations in function definitions to determine artifact names. Output artifacts with the same name are saved with incremented version numbers.

ZenML provides flexible options for naming output artifacts, supporting both static and dynamic naming strategies:

  • Names can be generated dynamically at runtime

  • Support for string templates (standard and custom placeholders supported)

  • Compatible with single and multiple output scenarios

  • Annotations help define naming strategy without modifying core logic

Naming Strategies

Static Naming

Static names are defined directly as string literals.

def static_single() -> Annotated[str, "static_output_name"]:
    return "null"

Dynamic Naming

Dynamic names can be generated using:

String Templates Using Standard Placeholders

Use the following placeholders that ZenML will replace automatically:

  • {date} will resolve to the current date, e.g. 2024_11_18

  • {time} will resolve to the current time, e.g. 11_07_09_326492

def dynamic_single_string() -> Annotated[str, "name_{date}_{time}"]:
    return "null"

String Templates Using Custom Placeholders

Use any placeholders that ZenML will replace for you, if they are provided into a step via substitutions parameter:

@step(substitutions={"custom_placeholder": "some_substitute"})
def dynamic_single_string() -> Annotated[str, "name_{custom_placeholder}_{time}"]:
    return "null"

Another option is to use with_options to dynamically redefine the placeholder, like this:

def extract_data(source: str) -> Annotated[str, "{stage}_dataset"]:
    return "my data"

def extraction_pipeline():
    extract_data.with_options(substitutions={"stage": "train"})(source="s3://train")
    extract_data.with_options(substitutions={"stage": "test"})(source="s3://test")

The substitutions for the custom placeholders like stage can be set in:

  • @pipeline decorator, so they are effective for all steps in this pipeline

  • pipeline.with_options function, so they are effective for all steps in this pipeline run

  • @step decorator, so they are effective for this step (this overrides the pipeline settings)

  • step.with_options function, so they are effective for this step run (this overrides the pipeline settings)

Standard substitutions always available and consistent in all steps of the pipeline are:

  • {date}: current date, e.g. 2024_11_27

  • {time}: current time in UTC format, e.g. 11_07_09_326492

Multiple Output Handling

If you plan to return multiple artifacts from you ZenML step you can flexibly combine all naming options outlined above, like this:

def mixed_tuple() -> Tuple[
    Annotated[str, "static_output_name"],
    Annotated[str, "name_{date}_{time}"],
    return "static_namer", "str_namer"

Naming in cached runs

If your ZenML step is running with enabled caching and cache was used the names of the outputs artifacts (both static and dynamic) will remain the same as in the original run.

from typing_extensions import Annotated
from typing import Tuple

from zenml import step, pipeline
from zenml.models import PipelineRunResponse

@step(substitutions={"custom_placeholder": "resolution"})
def demo() -> Tuple[
    Annotated[int, "name_{date}_{time}"],
    Annotated[int, "name_{custom_placeholder}"],
    return 42, 43

def my_pipeline():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    run_without_cache: PipelineRunResponse = my_pipeline.with_options(
    run_with_cache: PipelineRunResponse = my_pipeline.with_options(enable_cache=True)()

    assert set(run_without_cache.steps["demo"].outputs.keys()) == set(

These 2 runs will produce output like the one below:

Initiating a new run for the pipeline: my_pipeline.
Caching is disabled by default for my_pipeline.
Using user: default
Using stack: default
  orchestrator: default
  artifact_store: default
You can visualize your pipeline runs in the ZenML Dashboard. In order to try it locally, please run zenml login --local.
Step demo has started.
Step demo has finished in 0.038s.
Pipeline run has finished in 0.064s.
Initiating a new run for the pipeline: my_pipeline.
Using user: default
Using stack: default
  orchestrator: default
  artifact_store: default
You can visualize your pipeline runs in the ZenML Dashboard. In order to try it locally, please run zenml login --local.
Using cached version of step demo.
All steps of the pipeline run were cached.
['name_2024_11_21_14_27_33_750134', 'name_resolution']
ZenML Scarf

Last updated

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