Basic RAG inference pipeline

Use your RAG components to generate responses to prompts.

Now that we have our index store, we can use it to make queries based on the documents in the index store. We use some utility functions to make this happen but no external libraries are needed beyond an interface to the index store as well as the LLM itself.

If you've been following along with the guide, you should have some documents ingested already and you can pass a query in as a flag to the Python command used to run the pipeline:

python --rag-query "how do I use a custom materializer inside my own zenml 
steps? i.e. how do I set it? inside the @step decorator?" --model=gpt4

This inference query itself is not a ZenML pipeline, but rather a function call which uses the outputs and components of our pipeline to generate the response. For a more complex inference setup, there might be even more going on here, but for the purposes of this initial guide we will keep it simple.

Bringing everything together, the code for the inference pipeline is as follows:

def process_input_with_retrieval(
    input: str, model: str = OPENAI_MODEL, n_items_retrieved: int = 5
) -> str:
    delimiter = "```"

    # Step 1: Get documents related to the user input from database
    related_docs = get_topn_similar_docs(
        get_embeddings(input), get_db_conn(), n=n_items_retrieved

    # Step 2: Get completion from OpenAI API
    # Set system message to help set appropriate tone and context for model
    system_message = f"""
    You are a friendly chatbot. \
    You can answer questions about ZenML, its features and its use cases. \
    You respond in a concise, technically credible tone. \
    You ONLY use the context from the ZenML documentation to provide relevant
    answers. \
    You do not make up answers or provide opinions that you don't have
    information to support. \
    If you are unsure or don't know, just say so. \

    # Prepare messages to pass to model
    # We use a delimiter to help the model understand the where the user_input
    # starts and ends

    messages = [
        {"role": "system", "content": system_message},
        {"role": "user", "content": f"{delimiter}{input}{delimiter}"},
            "role": "assistant",
            "content": f"Relevant ZenML documentation: \n"
            + "\n".join(doc[0] for doc in related_docs),
    logger.debug("CONTEXT USED\n\n", messages[2]["content"], "\n\n")
    return get_completion_from_messages(messages, model=model)

For the get_topn_similar_docs function, we use the embeddings generated from the documents in the index store to find the most similar documents to the query:

def get_topn_similar_docs(
    query_embedding: List[float],
    conn: psycopg2.extensions.connection,
    n: int = 5,
    include_metadata: bool = False,
    only_urls: bool = False,
) -> List[Tuple]:
    embedding_array = np.array(query_embedding)
    cur = conn.cursor()

    if include_metadata:
            f"SELECT content, url FROM embeddings ORDER BY embedding <=> %s LIMIT {n}",
    elif only_urls:
            f"SELECT url FROM embeddings ORDER BY embedding <=> %s LIMIT {n}",
            f"SELECT content FROM embeddings ORDER BY embedding <=> %s LIMIT {n}",

    return cur.fetchall()

Luckily we are able to get these similar documents using a function in pgvector, a plugin package for PostgreSQL: ORDER BY embedding <=> %s orders the documents by their similarity to the query embedding. This is a very efficient way to get the most relevant documents to the query and is a great example of how we can leverage the power of the database to do the heavy lifting for us.

For the get_completion_from_messages function, we use litellm as a universal interface that allows us to use lots of different LLMs. As you can see above, the model is able to synthesize the documents it has been given and provide a response to the query.

def get_completion_from_messages(
    messages, model=OPENAI_MODEL, temperature=0.4, max_tokens=1000
    """Generates a completion response from the given messages using the specified model."""
    model = MODEL_NAME_MAP.get(model, model)
    completion_response = litellm.completion(
    return completion_response.choices[0].message.content

We're using litellm because it makes sense not to have to implement separate functions for each LLM we might want to use. The pace of development in the field is such that you will want to experiment with new LLMs as they come out, and litellm gives you the flexibility to do that without having to rewrite your code.

We've now completed a basic RAG inference pipeline that uses the embeddings generated by the pipeline to retrieve the most relevant chunks of text based on a given query. We can inspect the various components of the pipeline to see how they work together to provide a response to the query. This gives us a solid foundation to move onto more complex RAG pipelines and to look into how we might improve this. The next section will cover how to improve retrieval by finetuning the embeddings generated by the pipeline. This will boost our performance in situations where we have a large volume of documents and also when the documents are potentially very different from the training data that was used for the embeddings.

Code Example

To explore the full code, visit the Complete Guide repository and for this section, particularly the file.

ZenML Scarf

Last updated