What can be configured

Here is an example of a sample YAML file, with the most important configuration highlighted. For brevity, we have removed all possible keys. To view a sample file with all possible keys, refer to this page.

# Build ID (i.e. which Docker image to use)
build: dcd6fafb-c200-4e85-8328-428bef98d804

# Enable flags (boolean flags that control behavior)
enable_artifact_metadata: True
enable_artifact_visualization: False
enable_cache: False
enable_step_logs: True

# Extra dictionary to pass in arbitrary values
  any_param: 1
  another_random_key: "some_string"

# Specify the "ZenML Model"
  name: "classification_model"
  version: production

  audience: "Data scientists"
  description: "This classifies hotdogs and not hotdogs"
  ethics: "No ethical implications"
  license: "Apache 2.0"
  limitations: "Only works for hotdogs"
  tags: ["sklearn", "hotdog", "classification"]

# Parameters of the pipeline 
  dataset_name: "another_dataset"

# Name of the run
run_name: "my_great_run"

# Schedule, if supported on the orchestrator
  catchup: true
  cron_expression: "* * * * *"

# Real-time settings for Docker and resources
  # Controls Docker building
    apt_packages: ["curl"]
    copy_files: True
    dockerfile: "Dockerfile"
    dockerignore: ".dockerignore"
    parent_image: "zenml-io/zenml-cuda"
    requirements: ["torch"]
    skip_build: False
  # Control resources for the entire pipeline
    cpu_count: 2
    gpu_count: 1
    memory: "4Gb"
# Per step configuration
  # Top-level key should be the name of the step invocation ID
    # Parameters of the step
      data_source: "best_dataset"

    # Step-only configuration
    experiment_tracker: "mlflow_production"
    step_operator: "vertex_gpu"
    outputs: {}
    failure_hook_source: {}
    success_hook_source: {}

    # Same as pipeline level configuration, if specified overrides for this step
    enable_artifact_metadata: True
    enable_artifact_visualization: True
    enable_cache: False
    enable_step_logs: True

    # Same as pipeline level configuration, if specified overrides for this step
    extra: {}

    # Same as pipeline level configuration, if specified overrides for this step
    model: {}
    # Same as pipeline level configuration, if specified overrides for this step
      docker: {}
      resources: {}

      # Stack component specific settings
          instance_type: m7g.medium


enable_XXX parameters

These are boolean flags for various configurations:

enable_artifact_metadata: True
enable_artifact_visualization: True
enable_cache: True
enable_step_logs: True

build ID

The UUID of the build to use for this pipeline. If specified, Docker image building is skipped for remote orchestrators, and the Docker image specified in this build is used.


Configuring the model

Specifies the ZenML Model to use for this pipeline.

  name: "ModelName"
  version: "production"
  description: An example model
  tags: ["classifier"]

Pipeline and step parameters

A dictionary of JSON-serializable parameters specified at the pipeline or step level. For example:

    gamma: 0.01

            gamma: 0.001

Corresponds to:

from zenml import step, pipeline

def trainer(gamma: float):
    # Use gamma as normal

def my_pipeline(gamma: float):
    # use gamma or pass it into the step

Important note, in the above case, the value of the step would be the one defined in the steps key (i.e. 0.001). So the YAML config always takes precedence over pipeline parameters that are passed down to steps in code. Read this section for more details.

Normally, parameters defined at the pipeline level are used in multiple steps, and then no step-level configuration is defined.

Note that parameters are different from artifacts. Parameters are JSON-serializable values that are passed in the runtime configuration of a pipeline. Artifacts are inputs and outputs of a step, and need not always be JSON-serializable (materializers handle their persistence in the artifact store).

Setting the run_name

To change the name for a run, pass run_name as a parameter. This can be a dynamic value as well.

run_name: <INSERT_RUN_NAME_HERE>  

You will not be able to run with the same run_name twice. Do not set this statically when running on a schedule. Try to include some auto-incrementation or timestamp to the name.

Stack Component Runtime settings

Settings are special runtime configurations of a pipeline or a step that require a dedicated section. In short, they define a bunch of execution configuration such as Docker building and resource settings.

Docker Settings

Docker Settings can be passed in directly as objects, or a dictionary representation of the object. For example, the Docker configuration can be set in configuration files as follows:

      - pandas

Find a complete list of all Docker Settings here. To learn more about pipeline containerization consult our documentation on this here.

Resource Settings

Some stacks allow setting the resource settings using these settings.

  cpu_count: 2
  gpu_count: 1
  memory: "4Gb"

Note that this may not work for all types of stack components. To learn which components support this, please refer to the specific orchestrator docs.

failure_hook_source and success_hook_source

The source of the failure and success hooks can be specified.

Step-specific configuration

A lot of pipeline-level configuration can also be applied at a step level (as we have already seen with the enable_cache flag). However, there is some configuration that is step-specific, meaning it cannot be applied at a pipeline level, but only at a step level.

  • experiment_tracker: Name of the experiment_tracker to enable for this step. This experiment_tracker should be defined in the active stack with the same name.

  • step_operator: Name of the step_operator to enable for this step. This step_operator should be defined in the active stack with the same name.

  • outputs: This is configuration of the output artifacts of this step. This is further keyed by output name (by default, step outputs are named output). The most interesting configuration here is the materializer_source, which is the UDF path of the materializer in code to use for this output (e.g. materializers.some_data.materializer.materializer_class). Read more about this source path here.

ZenML Scarf

Last updated