Use config files to develop locally

Create different variants of your pipeline for local development and production.

When developing ZenML pipelines, it's often beneficial to have different variants of your pipeline for local development and production environments. This approach allows you to iterate quickly during development while maintaining a full-scale setup for production. While configuration files are one way to achieve this, you can also implement this directly in your code.

There are several ways to create different variants of your pipeline:

  1. Using configuration files

  2. Implementing variants in code

  3. Using environment variables

Let's explore each of these methods:

Using configuration files

ZenML allows you to specify pipeline and step configurations using YAML files. Here's an example:

enable_cache: False
    dataset_name: "small_dataset"
        enable_cache: False

This config file sets up a development variant by using a smaller dataset and disabling caching.

To apply this configuration to your pipeline, use the with_options(config_path=<PATH_TO_CONFIG>) pattern:

from zenml import step, pipeline

def load_data(dataset_name: str) -> dict:

def ml_pipeline(dataset_name: str):

if __name__ == "__main__":

You can create separate configuration files for development and production:

  • config_dev.yaml: Configuration for local development

  • config_prod.yaml: Configuration for production

Implementing variants in code

You can also create pipeline variants directly in your code:

import os
from zenml import step, pipeline

def load_data(dataset_name: str) -> dict:
    # Load data based on the dataset name

def ml_pipeline(is_dev: bool = False):
    dataset = "small_dataset" if is_dev else "full_dataset"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    is_dev = os.environ.get("ZENML_ENVIRONMENT") == "dev"

This approach allows you to switch between development and production variants using a simple boolean flag.

Using environment variables

You can use environment variables to determine which variant to run:

import os

if os.environ.get("ZENML_ENVIRONMENT") == "dev":
    config_path = "config_dev.yaml"
    config_path = "config_prod.yaml"


Run your pipeline with: ZENML_ENVIRONMENT=dev python or ZENML_ENVIRONMENT=prod python

Development variant considerations

When creating a development variant of your pipeline, consider optimizing these aspects for faster iteration and debugging:

  • Use smaller datasets for quicker runs

  • Specify a local stack for execution

  • Reduce number of training epochs

  • Decrease batch size

  • Use a smaller base model

For example, in a configuration file:

    dataset_path: "data/small_dataset.csv"
epochs: 1
batch_size: 16
stack: local_stack

Or in code:

def ml_pipeline(is_dev: bool = False):
    dataset = "data/small_dataset.csv" if is_dev else "data/full_dataset.csv"
    epochs = 1 if is_dev else 100
    batch_size = 16 if is_dev else 64
    train_model(epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size)

By creating different variants of your pipeline, you can quickly test and debug your code locally with a lightweight setup, while maintaining a full-scale configuration for production execution. This approach streamlines your development workflow and allows for efficient iteration without compromising your production pipeline.

Last updated