User Management

In ZenML Pro, there is a slightly different entity hierarchy as compared to the open-source ZenML framework. This document walks you through the key differences and new concepts that are pro-only.

Organizations, Tenants, and Roles

ZenML Pro arranges various aspects of your work experience around the concept of an Organization. This is the top-most level structure within the ZenML Cloud environment. Generally, an organization contains a group of users and one or more tenants. Tenants are individual, isolated deployments of the ZenML server.

Every user in an organization has a distinct role. Each role configures what they can view, modify, and their level of involvement in collaborative tasks. A role thus helps determine the level of access that a user has within an organization.

The admin has all permissions on an organization. They are allowed to add members, adjust the billing information and assign roles. The editor can still fully manage tenants and members but is not allowed to access the subscription information or delete the organization. The viewer Role allows you to allow users to access the tenants within the organization with only view permissions.

Inviting Team Members

Inviting users to your organization to work on the organization's tenants is easy. Simply click Add Member in the Organization settings, and give them an initial Role. The User will be sent an invitation email. If a user is part of an organization, they can utilize their login on all tenants they have authority to access.

ZenML Scarf

Last updated