Evaluation and metrics

Track how your RAG pipeline improves using evaluation and metrics.

In this section, we'll explore how to evaluate the performance of your RAG pipeline using metrics and visualizations. Evaluating your RAG pipeline is crucial to understanding how well it performs and identifying areas for improvement. With language models in particular, it's hard to evaluate their performance using traditional metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall. This is because language models generate text, which is inherently subjective and difficult to evaluate quantitatively.

Our RAG pipeline is a whole system, moreover, not just a model, and evaluating it requires a holistic approach. We'll look at various ways to evaluate the performance of your RAG pipeline but the two main areas we'll focus on are:

  • Retrieval evaluation, so checking that the retrieved documents or document chunks are relevant to the query.

  • Generation evaluation, so checking that the generated text is coherent and helpful for our specific use case.

In the previous section we built out a basic RAG pipeline for our documentation question-and-answer use case. We'll use this pipeline to demonstrate how to evaluate the performance of your RAG pipeline.

If you were running this in a production setting, you might want to set up evaluation to check the performance of a raw LLM model (i.e. without any retrieval / RAG components) as a baseline, and then compare this to the performance of your RAG pipeline. This will help you understand how much value the retrieval and generation components are adding to your system. We won't cover this here, but it's a good practice to keep in mind.

What are we evaluating?

When evaluating the performance of your RAG pipeline, your specific use case and the extent to which you can tolerate errors or lower performance will determine what you need to evaluate. For instance, if you're building a user-facing chatbot, you might need to evaluate the following:

  • Are the retrieved documents relevant to the query?

  • Is the generated answer coherent and helpful for your specific use case?

  • Does the generated answer contain hate speech or any sort of toxic language?

These are just examples, and the specific metrics and methods you use will depend on your use case. The generation evaluation functions as an end-to-end evaluation of the RAG pipeline, as it checks the final output of the system. It's during these end-to-end evaluations that you'll have most leeway to use subjective metrics, as you're evaluating the system as a whole.

Before we dive into the details, let's take a moment to look at a short high-level code example showcasing the two main areas of evaluation. Afterwards the following sections will cover the two main areas of evaluation in more detail as well as offer practical guidance on when to run these evaluations and what to look for in the results.

ZenML Scarf

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