Enable or disable logs storage

By default, ZenML uses a logging handler to capture the logs that occur during the execution of a step. Users are free to use the default python logging module or print statements, and ZenML's logging handler will catch these logs and store them.

import logging

from zenml import step

def my_step() -> None:
    logging.warning("`Hello`")  # You can use the regular `logging` module.
    print("World.")  # You can utilize `print` statements as well. 

These logs are stored within the respective artifact store of your stack. You can display the logs in the dashboard as follows:

Note that if you are not connected to a cloud artifact store with a service connector configured then you will not be able to view your logs in the dashboard. Read more here.

If you do not want to store the logs in your artifact store, you can:

  1. Disable it by using the enable_step_logs parameter either with your @pipeline or @step decorator:

    from zenml import pipeline, step
    @step(enable_step_logs=False)  # disables logging for this step
    def my_step() -> None:
    @pipeline(enable_step_logs=False)  # disables logging for the entire pipeline
    def my_pipeline():
  2. Disable it by using the environmental variable ZENML_DISABLE_STEP_LOGS_STORAGE and setting it to true. This environmental variable takes precedence over the parameters mentioned above. Note this environmental variable needs to be set on the execution environment, i.e., on the orchestrator level:

docker_settings = DockerSettings(environment={"ZENML_DISABLE_STEP_LOGS_STORAGE": "true"})

# Either add it to the decorator
@pipeline(settings={"docker": docker_settings})
def my_pipeline() -> None:

# Or configure the pipelines options
my_pipeline = my_pipeline.with_options(
    settings={"docker": docker_settings}
ZenML Scarf

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