MySQL Metadata Store

How to store ML metadata in a MySQL database

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The MySQL Metadata Store is a built-in ZenML Metadata Store flavor that connects to a MySQL compatible service to store metadata information.

When would you want to use it?

Running ZenML pipelines with the default SQLite Metadata Store is usually sufficient if you just want to evaluate ZenML or get started quickly without incurring the trouble and the cost of managing additional services like a self-hosted MySQL database or one of the managed cloud SQL database services. However, the local SQLite Metadata Store becomes insufficient or unsuitable if you have more elaborate needs for your project:

  • if you want to share your pipeline run results with other team members or stakeholders inside or outside your organization

  • if you have other components in your stack that are running remotely (e.g. a Kubeflow or Kubernetes Orchestrator running in public cloud).

  • if you are running pipelines at scale and need a Metadata Store that can handle the demands of production grade MLOps

In all these cases, you need a Metadata Store that is backed by a form of public cloud or self-hosted MySQL database service.

You should use the MySQL Metadata Store when you need a shared, scalable and performant Metadata Store and if you have access to a MySQL database service. The database should ideally be accessible both from your local machine and the Orchestrator that you use in your ZenML stack. You should consider one of the other Metadata Store flavors if you don't have access to a MySQL compatible database service.

How do you deploy it?

Using the MySQL Metadata Store in your stack assumes that you already have access to a MySQL database service. This can be an on-premise MySQL database that you deployed explicitly for ZenML, or that you share with other services in your team or organization. It can also be a managed MySQL compatible database service deployed in the cloud.

Configuring and deploying a managed MySQL database cloud service to use with ZenML can be a complex and error prone process, especially if you plan on using it alongside other stack components running in the cloud. You might consider referring to the ZenML Cloud Guide for a more holistic approach to configuring full cloud stacks for ZenML.

In order to connect to your MySQL instance, there are a few parameters that you will need to configure and register a MySQL Metadata Store stack component. In all cases you will need to set the following fields:

  • host - The hostname or public IP address of your MySQL instance. This needs to be reachable from your Orchestrator and, ideally, also from your local machine.

  • port - The port at which to reach the MySQL instance (default is 3306)

  • database - The name of the database that will be used by ZenML to store metadata information

Additional authentication related parameters need to be configured differently depending on the chosen authentication method.

Authentication Methods

This option configures the username and password directly as stack component attributes.

This is not recommended for production settings as the password is clearly accessible on your machine in clear text and communication with the database is unencrypted.

# Register the mysql metadata store
zenml metadata-store register mysql_metadata_store --flavor=mysql \ 
    --host=<database-host> --port=<port> --database=<database-name> \
    --username=<database-user> --password=<database-password>

# Register and set a stack with the new metadata store
zenml stack register custom_stack -m mysql_metadata_store ... --set

For more, up-to-date information on the MySQL Metadata Store implementation and its configuration, you can have a look at the API docs.

How do you use it?

Aside from the fact that the metadata information is stored in a MySQL database, using the MySQL Metadata Store is no different than using any other flavor of Metadata Store.

Last updated