Quick Deployments with Stack Recipes

Introduction to Stack recipes which help you deploy a full MLOps stack in minutes!

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When we first created ZenML as an extensible MLOps framework for creating portable, production-ready MLOps pipelines, we saw many of our users having to deal with the pain of deploying infrastructure from scratch to run these pipelines.

The expertise of setting up these often-complex stacks up shouldn't be a pre-requisite to running your ML pipelines. We created stack recipes as a way to allow you to quickly get started with a full-fledged MLOps stack with the execution of just a couple of simple commands. Read on to learn what a recipe is, how you can deploy it and the steps needed to create your own!

Stack Recipes 🍱

A Stack Recipe is a collection of carefully-crafted Terraform modules and resources which when executed creates a range of stack components that can be used to run your pipelines. Each recipe is designed to offer a great deal of flexibility in configuring the resources while preserving the ease of application through the use of sensible defaults.

Stack recipes create opinionated ZenML stacks. In other words, they have a fixed implementation for each of the stack components that ZenML uses. However, there are multiple recipes available with more being developed actively, that cover most common use-cases. Check out the full list of available recipes at the mlops-stacks repository.

Deploying a recipe

There are two ways in which you can deploy any recipe.

Using the terraform CLI directly

Each recipe is in fact a Terraform module that can be used in the same way as you would any other Terraform module.

  1. Once you're inside a recipe's root directory, run the init command to download all the provider and module definitions.

    terraform init
  2. Make sure you have the right values set for the locals.tf file and the values.tfvars.json file which store non-sensitive and sensitive information about your deployment, respectively,

  3. Run the apply command!

    terraform apply
  4. Once you're done running your pipelines and want to delete all resources, run the destroy command.

    terraform destroy

Using the ZenML CLI

The ZenML CLI offers a set of commands to make it easy for you to list, pull and deploy recipes from anywhere!

In addition to the underlying terraform functionality, these commands also offer the following:

  • ability to list all the available recipes conveniently before you choose to deploy any one of them.

  • checks to ensure that you have all the binaries/tools installed for running a recipe.

  • extensive logs and error messages that guide you in case any of the recipes fails or misbehaves.

  • option to automatically import a ZenML stack, out of the components created after deploying a stack recipe.

More features that are planned 👇:

  • ability to run the recipe commands in background. This is helpful as some recipes might take up to 20 minutes to get fully deployed.

  • checking your credentials to make sure you have the right permissions for deploying all the stack components.

  • any feature you'd want to see next? Submit a request on our hellonext board.

Integration with the ZenML CLI 🙏

To use the stack recipe CLI commands, you will have to install some optional dependencies with zenml. Run pip install "zenml[stacks]" to get started!

We have already discussed the features that the ZenML CLI offers on top of the usual terraform commands. To see them in action, here's what a simple flow could look like:

  1. 📃 List the available recipes in the repository.

    zenml stack recipe list
  2. Pull the recipe that you wish to deploy, to your local system.

    zenml stack recipe pull <stack-recipe-name>
  3. 🎨 Customize your deployment by editing the default values in the locals.tf file. This file holds all the configurable parameters for each of the stack components.

  4. 🔐 Add your secret information like keys and passwords into the values.tfvars.json file which is not committed and only exists locally.

  5. 🚀 Deploy the recipe with this simple command.

    zenml stack recipe deploy <stack-recipe-name>
If you want to allow ZenML to automatically import the created resources as a ZenML stack, pass the `--import` flag to the command above. By default, the imported stack will have the same name as the stack recipe and you can provide your own with the `--stack-name` option.
  1. You'll notice that a ZenML stack configuration file gets created after the previous command executes 🤯! This YAML file can be imported as a ZenML stack manually by running the following command.

    zenml stack import <stack-name> <path-to-the-created-stack-config-yaml>
  2. 💣 Once you're done running your pipelines, there's only a single command you need to execute that will take care of cleaning up all the resources you had created on your cloud.

    zenml stack recipe destroy <stack-recipe-name>
  3. You can also remove all the downloaded recipe files from the pull execution by using the clean command.

    zenml stack recipe clean

Check out the API docs to learn more about each of these commands and the options that are available.

Creating your own recipe 🧑‍🍳

The number of recipes available right now is finite and there can be combinations of stack components that are not yet covered by any of the exisiting recipes. If you wish, you can contribute a recipe for any combination that you'd like to see.

The CONTRIBUTING.md file on the repository lists the principles that each recipe follows and gives details about the steps you should take when designing your own recipe. Feel free to also reach out to the ZenML community on Slack 👋 if you need help with any part of the process!

Last updated