Access Global Info within Steps

How to access run names and other global data from within a step

This is an older version of the ZenML documentation. To read and view the latest version please visit this up-to-date URL.

In addition to Step Fixtures, ZenML provides another interface where ZenML data can be accessed from within a step, the Environment, which can be used to get further information about the environment where the step is executed, such as the system it is running on, the Python version, the name of the current step, pipeline, and run, and more.

As an example, this is how you could use the Environment to find out the name of the current step, pipeline, and run:

from zenml.environment import Environment

def my_step(...)
    env = Environment().step_environment
    step_name = env.step_name
    pipeline_name = env.pipeline_name
    run_id = env.pipeline_run_id

To explore all possible operations that can be performed via the Environment, please consult the API docs section on Environment.

Last updated