
How to test the data and models used in your pipelines with Deepchecks test suites

The Deepchecks Data Validator flavor provided with the ZenML integration uses Deepchecks to run data integrity, data drift, model drift and model performance tests on the datasets and models circulated in your ZenML pipelines. The test results can be used to implement automated corrective actions in your pipelines or to render interactive representations for further visual interpretation, evaluation and documentation.

When would you want to use it?

Deepchecks is an open-source library that you can use to run a variety of data and model validation tests, from data integrity tests that work with a single dataset to model evaluation tests to data drift analyses and model performance comparison tests. All this can be done with minimal configuration input from the user, or customized with specialized conditions that the validation tests should perform.

Deepchecks works with both tabular data and computer vision data. For tabular, the supported dataset format is pandas.DataFrame and the supported model format is sklearn.base.ClassifierMixin. For computer vision, the supported dataset format is and supported model format is torch.nn.Module.

You should use the Deepchecks Data Validator when you need the following data and/or model validation features that are possible with Deepchecks:

  • Data Integrity Checks for tabular or computer vision data: detect data integrity problems within a single dataset (e.g. missing values, conflicting labels, mixed data types etc.).

  • Data Drift Checks for tabular or computer vision data: detect data skew and data drift problems by comparing a target dataset against a reference dataset (e.g. feature drift, label drift, new labels etc.).

  • Model Performance Checks for tabular or computer vision data: evaluate a model and detect problems with its performance (e.g. confusion matrix, boosting overfit, model error analysis)

  • Multi-Model Performance Reports for tabular: produce a summary of performance scores for multiple models on test datasets.

You should consider one of the other Data Validator flavors if you need a different set of data validation features.

How do you deploy it?

The Deepchecks Data Validator flavor is included in the Deepchecks ZenML integration, you need to install it on your local machine to be able to register a Deepchecks Data Validator and add it to your stack:

zenml integration install deepchecks -y

The Data Validator stack component does not have any configuration parameters. Adding it to a stack is as simple as running e.g.:

# Register the Deepchecks data validator
zenml data-validator register deepchecks_data_validator --flavor=deepchecks

# Register and set a stack with the new data validator
zenml stack register custom_stack -dv deepchecks_data_validator ... --set

How do you use it?

The ZenML integration restructures the way Deepchecks validation checks are organized in four categories, based on the type and number of input parameters that they expect as input. This makes it easier to reason about them when you decide which tests to use in your pipeline steps:

  • data integrity checks expect a single dataset as input. These correspond one-to-one to the set of Deepchecks data integrity checks for tabular and computer vision data

  • data drift checks require two datasets as input: target and reference. These correspond one-to-one to the set of Deepchecks train-test checks for tabular data and for computer vision.

  • model validation checks require a single dataset and a mandatory model as input. This list includes a subset of the model evaluation checks provided by Deepchecks for tabular data and for computer vision that expect a single dataset as input.

  • model drift checks require two datasets and a mandatory model as input. This list includes a subset of the model evaluation checks provided by Deepchecks for tabular data and for computer vision that expect two datasets as input: target and reference.

This structure is directly reflected in how Deepchecks can be used with ZenML: there are four different Deepchecks standard steps and four different ZenML enums for Deepchecks checks . The Deepchecks Data Validator API is also modeled to reflect this same structure.

A notable characteristic of Deepchecks is that you don't need to customize the set of Deepchecks tests that are part of a test suite. Both ZenML and Deepchecks provide sane defaults that will run all available Deepchecks tests in a given category with their default conditions if a custom list of tests and conditions are not provided.

There are three ways you can use Deepchecks in your ZenML pipelines that allow different levels of flexibility:

  • instantiate, configure and insert one or more of the standard Deepchecks steps shipped with ZenML into your pipelines. This is the easiest way and the recommended approach, but can only be customized through the supported step configuration parameters.

  • call the data validation methods provided by the Deepchecks Data Validator in your custom step implementation. This method allows for more flexibility concerning what can happen in the pipeline step, but you are still limited to the functionality implemented in the Data Validator.

  • use the Deepchecks library directly in your custom step implementation. This gives you complete freedom in how you are using Deepchecks' features.

You can visualize Deepchecks results in Jupyter notebooks or view them directly in the ZenML dashboard.

Warning! Usage in remote orchestrators

The current ZenML version has a limitation in its base Docker image that requires a workaround for all pipelines using Deepchecks with a remote orchestrator (e.g. Kubeflow , Vertex). The limitation being that the base Docker image needs to be extended to include binaries that are required by opencv2, which is a package that Deepchecks requires.

While these binaries might be available on most operating systems out of the box (and therefore not a problem with the default local orchestrator), we need to tell ZenML to add them to the containerization step when running in remote settings. Here is how:

First, create a file called deepchecks-zenml.Dockerfile and place it on the same level as your runner script (commonly called The contents of the Dockerfile are as follows:

FROM zenmldocker/zenml:${ZENML_VERSION} AS base

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6  -y

Then, place the following snippet above your pipeline definition. Note that the path of the dockerfile are relative to where the pipeline definition file is. Read the containerization guide for more details:

import zenml
from zenml import pipeline
from zenml.config import DockerSettings
from pathlib import Path
import sys

docker_settings = DockerSettings(
        "buildargs": {
            "ZENML_VERSION": f"{zenml.__version__}"

@pipeline(settings={"docker": docker_settings})
def my_pipeline(...):
    # same code as always

From here on, you can continue to use the deepchecks integration as is explained below.

The Deepchecks standard steps

ZenML wraps the Deepchecks functionality for tabular data in the form of four standard steps:

The integration doesn't yet include standard steps for computer vision, but you can still write your own custom steps that call the Deepchecks Data Validator API or even call the Deepchecks library directly.

All four standard steps behave similarly regarding the configuration parameters and returned artifacts, with the following differences:

  • the type and number of input artifacts are different, as mentioned above

  • each step expects a different enum data type to be used when explicitly listing the checks to be performed via the check_list configuration attribute. See the zenml.integrations.deepchecks.validation_checks module for more details about these enums (e.g. the data integrity step expects a list of DeepchecksDataIntegrityCheck values).

This section will only cover how you can use the data integrity step, with a similar usage to be easily inferred for the other three steps.

To instantiate a data integrity step that will run all available Deepchecks data integrity tests with their default configuration, e.g.:

from zenml.integrations.deepchecks.steps import (

data_validator = deepchecks_data_integrity_check_step.with_options(
        dataset_kwargs=dict(label="target", cat_features=[]),

The step can then be inserted into your pipeline where it can take in a dataset, e.g.:

docker_settings = DockerSettings(required_integrations=[DEEPCHECKS, SKLEARN])

@pipeline(settings={"docker": docker_settings})
def data_validation_pipeline():
    df_train, df_test = data_loader()


As can be seen from the step definition , the step takes in a dataset and it returns a Deepchecks SuiteResult object that contains the test results:

def deepchecks_data_integrity_check_step(
    dataset: pd.DataFrame,
    check_list: Optional[Sequence[DeepchecksDataIntegrityCheck]] = None,
    dataset_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    check_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    run_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> SuiteResult:

If needed, you can specify a custom list of data integrity Deepchecks tests to be executed by supplying a check_list argument:

from zenml.integrations.deepchecks.validation_checks import DeepchecksDataIntegrityCheck
from zenml.integrations.deepchecks.steps import deepchecks_data_integrity_check_step

def validation_pipeline():

You should consult the official Deepchecks documentation for more information on what each test is useful for.

For more customization, the data integrity step also allows for additional keyword arguments to be supplied to be passed transparently to the Deepchecks library:

  • dataset_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the Deepchecks tabular.Dataset or vision.VisionData constructor. This is used to pass additional information about how the data is structured, e.g.:

        dataset_kwargs=dict(label='class', cat_features=['country', 'state']),
  • check_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the Deepchecks check object constructors. Arguments are grouped for each check and indexed using the full check class name or check enum value as dictionary keys, e.g.:

            DeepchecksDataIntegrityCheck.TABULAR_OUTLIER_SAMPLE_DETECTION: dict(
            DeepchecksDataIntegrityCheck.TABULAR_STRING_LENGTH_OUT_OF_BOUNDS: dict(
  • run_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the Deepchecks Suite run method.

The check_kwargs attribute can also be used to customize the conditions configured for each Deepchecks test. ZenML attaches a special meaning to all check arguments that start with condition_ and have a dictionary as value. This is required because there is no declarative way to specify conditions for Deepchecks checks. For example, the following step configuration:

    dataset_kwargs=dict(label='class', cat_features=['country', 'state']),
        DeepchecksDataIntegrityCheck.TABULAR_OUTLIER_SAMPLE_DETECTION: dict(
        DeepchecksDataIntegrityCheck.TABULAR_STRING_LENGTH_OUT_OF_BOUNDS: dict(

is equivalent to running the following Deepchecks tests:

import deepchecks.tabular.checks as tabular_checks
from deepchecks.tabular import Suite
from deepchecks.tabular import Dataset

train_dataset = Dataset(
    cat_features=['country', 'state']

suite = Suite(name="custom")
check = tabular_checks.OutlierSampleDetection(
check = tabular_checks.StringLengthOutOfBounds(

The Deepchecks Data Validator

The Deepchecks Data Validator implements the same interface as do all Data Validators, so this method forces you to maintain some level of compatibility with the overall Data Validator abstraction, which guarantees an easier migration in case you decide to switch to another Data Validator.

All you have to do is call the Deepchecks Data Validator methods when you need to interact with Deepchecks to run tests, e.g.:

import pandas as pd
from deepchecks.core.suite import SuiteResult
from zenml.integrations.deepchecks.data_validators import DeepchecksDataValidator
from zenml.integrations.deepchecks.validation_checks import DeepchecksDataIntegrityCheck
from zenml import step

def data_integrity_check(
        dataset: pd.DataFrame,
) -> SuiteResult:
    """Custom data integrity check step with Deepchecks

        dataset: input Pandas DataFrame

        Deepchecks test suite execution result

    # validation pre-processing (e.g. dataset preparation) can take place here

    data_validator = DeepchecksDataValidator.get_active_data_validator()
    suite = data_validator.data_validation(

    # validation post-processing (e.g. interpret results, take actions) can happen here

    return suite

The arguments that the Deepchecks Data Validator methods can take in are the same as those used for the Deepchecks standard steps.

Have a look at the complete list of methods and parameters available in the DeepchecksDataValidator API in the SDK docs.

Call Deepchecks directly

You can use the Deepchecks library directly in your custom pipeline steps, and only leverage ZenML's capability of serializing, versioning and storing the SuiteResult objects in its Artifact Store, e.g.:

import pandas as pd
import deepchecks.tabular.checks as tabular_checks

from deepchecks.core.suite import SuiteResult
from deepchecks.tabular import Suite
from deepchecks.tabular import Dataset
from zenml import step

def data_integrity_check(
    dataset: pd.DataFrame,
) -> SuiteResult:
    """Custom data integrity check step with Deepchecks

        dataset: a Pandas DataFrame

        Deepchecks test suite execution result

    # validation pre-processing (e.g. dataset preparation) can take place here

    train_dataset = Dataset(
        cat_features=['country', 'state']

    suite = Suite(name="custom")
    check = tabular_checks.OutlierSampleDetection(
    check = tabular_checks.StringLengthOutOfBounds(
    results =

    # validation post-processing (e.g. interpret results, take actions) can happen here

    return results

Visualizing Deepchecks Suite Results

You can view visualizations of the suites and results generated by your pipeline steps directly in the ZenML dashboard by clicking on the respective artifact in the pipeline run DAG.

Alternatively, if you are running inside a Jupyter notebook, you can load and render the suites and results using the artifact.visualize() method, e.g.:

from zenml.client import Client

def visualize_results(pipeline_name: str, step_name: str) -> None:
    pipeline = Client().get_pipeline(pipeline=pipeline_name)
    last_run = pipeline.last_run
    step = last_run.steps[step_name]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    visualize_results("data_validation_pipeline", "data_integrity_check")
ZenML Scarf

Last updated