Hyperparameter tuning

Running a hyperparameter tuning trial with ZenML.

A basic iteration through a number of hyperparameters can be achieved with ZenML by using a simple pipeline. The following example showcases an implementation of a basic grid search (across a single dimension) that would allow for a different learning rate to be used across the same train_step. Once that step has been run for all the different learning rates, the selection_step finds which hyperparameters gave the best results or performance. It utilizes the fan-in, fan-out method of building a pipeline.

from typing import Annotated

from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin

from zenml import step, pipeline, get_step_context
from zenml.client import Client

model_output_name = "my_model"

def train_step(
    learning_rate: float
) -> Annotated[ClassifierMixin, model_output_name]:
    return ...  # Train a model with the learning rate and return it here. 

def selection_step(step_prefix: str, output_name: str) -> None:
    run_name = get_step_context().pipeline_run.name
    run = Client().get_pipeline_run(run_name)

    trained_models_by_lr = {}
    for step_name, step_info in run.steps.items():
        if step_name.startswith(step_prefix):
            model = step_info.outputs[output_name][0].load()
            lr = step_info.config.parameters["learning_rate"]
            trained_models_by_lr[lr] = model

    for lr, model in trained_models_by_lr.items():
        ...  # Evaluate the models to find the best one

def my_pipeline(step_count: int) -> None:
    after = []
    for i in range(step_count):
        train_step(learning_rate=i * 0.0001, id=f"train_step_{i}")



You can also see this in action with the E2E example.

In the steps/hp_tuning folder, you will find two step files, that can be used as a starting point for building your own hyperparameter search tailored specifically to your use case:

ZenML Scarf

Last updated

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