Tracking Custom Stack Component Metadata

How to track custom run metadata related to a stack component

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Certain stack components create dynamic, run-specific metadata that is displayed in the dashboard together with each run, usually either for convenience or reproducibility purposes. As an example, you might find a link to the orchestrator UI among the metadata of your pipeline runs, or the experiment tracker project name among the metadata of a specific step, depending on which stack component flavors you use.

Base Abstraction

Which metadata is tracked is defined by two methods of the StackComponent base class:

  • get_pipeline_run_metadata() defines the metadata that is associated with an entire pipeline run (such as the orchestrator URL) and is called once at the beginning of your pipeline run,

  • get_step_run_metadata() defines step-specific metadata (such as the experiment tracker project name) and gets called after the respective step has finished running.

Below you can see the base class definitions of both methods:

from zenml.config.step_run_info import StepRunInfo
from zenml.metadata.metadata_types import MetadataType

class StackComponent:


    def get_pipeline_run_metadata(
        self, run_id: UUID
    ) -> Dict[str, "MetadataType"]:
        return {}


    def get_step_run_metadata(
        self, info: "StepRunInfo"
    ) -> Dict[str, "MetadataType"]:
        return {}

Both functions are expected to return dicts mapping names to the values you wish to track. The only requirement is that all your values are built-in types (like str, int, list, dict, ...) or among the special types defined in src.zenml.metadata.metadata_types that are displayed in a dedicated way in the dashboard. See src.zenml.metadata.metadata_types.MetadataType for more details.

Subclass Example (MLflow Tracking)

To track metadata, you need to override the two methods above to return dicts of values that you wish to track for your pipeline and step runs respectively. As an example, let us look at how these methods are implemented in the MLflow experiment tracker:

from zenml.config.step_run_info import StepRunInfo
from zenml.metadata.metadata_types import MetadataType, Uri

class MLFlowExperimentTracker(BaseExperimentTracker):


    def get_pipeline_run_metadata(
        self, run_id: UUID
    ) -> Dict[str, "MetadataType"]:
        return {
            "mlflow_tracking_uri": Uri(self.get_tracking_uri()),

    def get_step_run_metadata(
        self, info: "StepRunInfo"
    ) -> Dict[str, "MetadataType"]:
        return {
            "mlflow_run_id": mlflow.active_run().info.run_id,
            "mlflow_experiment_id": mlflow.active_run().info.experiment_id,

As you see, the MLflow experiment tracker extracts the tracking URI on a pipeline level and both the run ID and experiment ID for each step where it was used. All of these values are of type str, which is an allowed metadata type, so we can return them directly. However, we cast the tracking URI to type Uri here to have it rendered as a link in the dashboard.

If your stack component should track a value that is not a built-in datatype (or otherwise part of MetadataType), you will need to cast it to a supported datatype first. For example, if you had a value x: numpy.float64, you could cast it to a built-in float type via x.item(). Or, if you wanted to track a custom class y: CustomClass, you could track its string representation str(y) instead.

Last updated