Manage Stack Component States

How to start, stop, provision, and deprovision stacks and stack components

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Managing Stack Component States

Some stack components come with built-in daemons for connecting to the underlying remote infrastructure. These stack components expose functionality for provisioning, deprovisioning, starting, or stopping the corresponding daemons.

See the advanced section on Services for more information on daemons.

For such components, you can manage the daemon state using the zenml <STACK_COMPONENT> up and zenml <STACK_COMPONENT> down commands. Alternatively, you can also use zenml stack up or zenml stack down to manage the state of your entire stack:

zenml stack up  # Provision and start all stack components
zenml orchestrator up  # Provision and start the orchestrator only

zenml stack down  # Stop all stack components
zenml orchestrator down  # Stop the orchestrator only

zenml stack down --force  # Stop and deprovision all stack components
zenml orchestrator down --force  # Stop and deprovision the orchestrator only

Defining States of Custom Components

By default, each stack component is assumed to be in a provisioned and running state right after creation. However, if you want to write a custom component and have fine-grained control over its state, you can overwrite the following properties and methods of the StackComponent base interface to configure the component according to your needs:

class StackComponent:
    """Abstract class for all components of a ZenML stack."""
    def is_provisioned(self) -> bool:
        """If the component provisioned resources to run."""
        return True

    def is_running(self) -> bool:
        """If the component is running."""
        return True

    def provision(self) -> None:
        """Provisions resources to run the component."""

    def deprovision(self) -> None:
        """Deprovisions all resources of the component."""
    def resume(self) -> None:
        """Resumes the provisioned resources of the component."""

    def suspend(self) -> None:
        """Suspends the provisioned resources of the component."""


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