Tracking experiments

Track your ML experiments

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Experiment Tracking

When training models, you often need to run hundreds of experiments with different types of models and different hyperparameters to find what works best. Keeping track of every experiment and how each design decision affected the model performance is hardly feasible without additional tools. That is why experiment trackers like TensorBoard, Weights & Biases, or MLflow are often one of the first contact points ML practitioners have with MLOps as they progress through their ML journey. In addition, these tools are invaluable for larger ML teams, as they allow them to share experiment results and collaborate during experimentation.

Since there are many excellent experiment tracking tools, we should aim to prevent vendor lock-in by writing modular ML code that allows us to switch between different tools easily. That is precisely what ZenML does for us.

MLflow Experiment Tracking

MLflow is an amazing open-source MLOps platform that provides powerful tools to handle various ML lifecycle steps, such as experiment tracking, code packaging, model deployment, and more.

To integrate the MLFlow experiment tracker into our previously defined ZenML pipeline, we can use MLflow's mlflow.sklearn.autolog() feature to automatically log all relevant attributes and metrics of our model to MLflow. By adding the appropriate settings on top of the function, ZenML then automatically initializes MLflow and takes care of the rest for us.

To run our MLflow pipelines with ZenML, we first need to add MLflow into our ZenML MLOps stack. We first register a new experiment tracker with ZenML.

# Register the MLflow experiment tracker
zenml experiment-tracker register mlflow_tracker --flavor=mlflow

Alternative Tool: Weights & Biases

Of course, MLflow is not the only tool you can use for experiment tracking. We could achieve the same with another experiment tracking tool: Weights & Biases. (You will need a Weights & Biases account, which you can set up for free here.)

In order to register your new experiment tracker, you then need to define the three variables below to authorize yourself in W&B and to tell ZenML which entity/project you want to log to:

  • WANDB_API_KEY: your API key, which you can retrieve at Make sure never to share this key (in particular, make sure to remove the key before pushing this notebook to any public Git repositories!).

  • WANDB_ENTITY: the entity (team or user) that owns the project you want to log to. If you are using W&B alone, just use your username here.

  • WANDB_PROJECT: the name of the W&B project you want to log to. If you have never used W&B before or want to start a new project, simply type the new project name here, e.g., "zenbytes".

WANDB_API_KEY = None  # TODO: replace this with your W&B API key
WANDB_ENTITY = None  # TODO: replace this with your W&B entity name
WANDB_PROJECT = "zenbytes"  # TODO: replace this with your W&B project name (if you want to log to a specific project)

# Register the W&B experiment tracker
zenml experiment-tracker register wandb_tracker --flavor=wandb --api_key={WANDB_API_KEY} --entity={WANDB_ENTITY} --project_name={WANDB_PROJECT}

# Create a new MLOps stack with W&B experiment tracker in it & make it the active stack
zenml stack register wandb_stack -m default -a default -o default -e wandb_tracker --set

The main difference to the MLflow example before is that W&B has no sklearn autolog functionality. Instead, we need to call wandb.log(...) for each value we want to log to Weights & Biases.

Note that even though Weights & Biases is used in different steps within a pipeline, ZenML handles initializing everything and ensures that the experiment name is the same as the pipeline name and that the experiment run name is the same as the pipeline run name. This establishes a lineage between pipelines in ZenML and experiments in wandb.

For a more detailed example of how to use Weights & Biases experiment tracking in your ZenML pipeline, see the ZenML wandb_tracking example.

To read a more detailed guide about how Experiment Trackers function in ZenML, click here.

Last updated