Understanding configuration

Understanding how to configure a ZenML pipeline

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Configuring a step and a pipeline

The configuration of a step and/or a pipeline determines various details of how a run is executed. It is an important aspect of running workloads in production, and as such deserves a dedicated section in these docs.

We have already learned about some basics of configuration in the production guide. Here we go into more depth.

How to apply configuration

Before we learn about all the different configuration options, let's briefly look at how configuration can be applied to a step or a pipeline. We start with the simplest configuration, a boolean flag called enable_cache, that specifies whether caching should be enabled or disabled. There are essentially three ways you could configure this:

Method 1: Directly on the decorator

The most basic way to configure a step or a pipeline @step and @pipeline decorators:



Once you set configuration on a pipeline, they will be applied to all steps with some exceptions. See the section on precedence for more details.

Method 2: On the step/pipeline instance

This is exactly the same as passing it through the decorator, but if you prefer you can also pass it in the configure methods of the pipeline and step instances:

def my_step() -> None:
    print("my step")

def my_pipeline():

# Same as passing it in the step decorator

# Same as passing it in the pipeline decorator

Method 3: Configuring with YAML

As all configuration can be passed through as a dictionary, users have the option to send all configurations in via a YAML file. This is useful in situations where code changes are not desirable.

To use a YAML file, you must pass it to the with_options(...) method of a pipeline:

def my_step() -> None:
    print("my step")

def my_pipeline():

# Pass in a config file
my_pipeline = my_pipeline.with_options(config_path='/local/path/to/config.yaml')

The format of a YAML config file is exactly the same as the configurations you would pass in Python in the above two sections. Step-specific configurations can be passed by using the step invocation ID inside the steps dictionary. All keys are optional. Here is an example:

# This is equal to @pipeline(enable_cache=True)
enable_cache: True

    enable_cache: False  # same as @step(enable_cache=False)
    enable_cache: False  # same as @step(enable_cache=False)

The YAML method is the recommended method for applying configuration in production. It has the benefit of being declarative and decoupled from the codebase.

It is best practice to put all config files in a configs directory at the root of your repository and check them into git history. This way, the tracked commit hash of a pipeline run links back to your config YAML.

Breaking configuration down

Now that we understand how to apply configuration, let's see all the various ways we can configure a ZenML pipeline. We will use the YAML configuration for this, but as seen in the section above, you can use the information here to configure your steps and pipelines any way you choose.

First, let's create a simple pipeline:

% run.py
from zenml import step, pipeline

def generate_number() -> int:
    return 1

def add_two_numbers(num1: int, num2: int) -> int:
    return num1 + num2

def addition_pipeline():
    generated = generate_number()
    result = add_two_numbers(num1=2, num2=generated)

# Executable trigger for the pipeline if running this python script directly.
if __name__=="__main__":
    # This function writes 

The method write_run_configuration_template generates a config template (at path run.yaml in this case) that includes all configuration options for this specific pipeline and your active stack. Let's run the pipeline:

python run.py
An example of a generated YAML configuration template
build: Union[PipelineBuildBase, UUID, NoneType]
enable_artifact_metadata: Optional[bool]
enable_artifact_visualization: Optional[bool]
enable_cache: Optional[bool]
enable_step_logs: Optional[bool]
extra: Mapping[str, Any]
  audience: Optional[str]
  description: Optional[str]
  ethics: Optional[str]
  license: Optional[str]
  limitations: Optional[str]
  name: str
  save_models_to_registry: bool
  suppress_class_validation_warnings: bool
  tags: Optional[List[str]]
  trade_offs: Optional[str]
  use_cases: Optional[str]
  version: Union[ModelStages, int, str, NoneType]
  was_created_in_this_run: bool
parameters: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]
run_name: Optional[str]
  catchup: bool
  cron_expression: Optional[str]
  end_time: Optional[datetime]
  interval_second: Optional[timedelta]
  name: Optional[str]
  start_time: Optional[datetime]
  run_once_start_time: Optional[datetime]
    apt_packages: List[str]
    build_context_root: Optional[str]
    build_options: Mapping[str, Any]
    copy_files: bool
    copy_global_config: bool
    dockerfile: Optional[str]
    dockerignore: Optional[str]
    environment: Mapping[str, Any]
    install_stack_requirements: bool
    parent_image: Optional[str]
    replicate_local_python_environment: Union[List[str], PythonEnvironmentExportMethod,
    required_hub_plugins: List[str]
    required_integrations: List[str]
    requirements: Union[NoneType, str, List[str]]
    skip_build: bool
    source_files: SourceFileMode
    target_repository: str
    user: Optional[str]
    cpu_count: Optional[PositiveFloat]
    gpu_count: Optional[NonNegativeInt]
    memory: Optional[ConstrainedStrValue]
    enable_artifact_metadata: Optional[bool]
    enable_artifact_visualization: Optional[bool]
    enable_cache: Optional[bool]
    enable_step_logs: Optional[bool]
    experiment_tracker: Optional[str]
    extra: Mapping[str, Any]
      attribute: Optional[str]
      module: str
      type: SourceType
      audience: Optional[str]
      description: Optional[str]
      ethics: Optional[str]
      license: Optional[str]
      limitations: Optional[str]
      name: str
      save_models_to_registry: bool
      suppress_class_validation_warnings: bool
      tags: Optional[List[str]]
      trade_offs: Optional[str]
      use_cases: Optional[str]
      version: Union[ModelStages, int, str, NoneType]
      was_created_in_this_run: bool
    name: Optional[str]
          attribute: Optional[str]
          module: str
          type: SourceType
        materializer_source: Optional[Tuple[Source, ...]]
    parameters: {}
        apt_packages: List[str]
        build_context_root: Optional[str]
        build_options: Mapping[str, Any]
        copy_files: bool
        copy_global_config: bool
        dockerfile: Optional[str]
        dockerignore: Optional[str]
        environment: Mapping[str, Any]
        install_stack_requirements: bool
        parent_image: Optional[str]
        replicate_local_python_environment: Union[List[str], PythonEnvironmentExportMethod,
        required_hub_plugins: List[str]
        required_integrations: List[str]
        requirements: Union[NoneType, str, List[str]]
        skip_build: bool
        source_files: SourceFileMode
        target_repository: str
        user: Optional[str]
        cpu_count: Optional[PositiveFloat]
        gpu_count: Optional[NonNegativeInt]
        memory: Optional[ConstrainedStrValue]
    step_operator: Optional[str]
      attribute: Optional[str]
      module: str
      type: SourceType
    enable_artifact_metadata: Optional[bool]
    enable_artifact_visualization: Optional[bool]
    enable_cache: Optional[bool]
    enable_step_logs: Optional[bool]
    experiment_tracker: Optional[str]
    extra: Mapping[str, Any]
      attribute: Optional[str]
      module: str
      type: SourceType
      audience: Optional[str]
      description: Optional[str]
      ethics: Optional[str]
      license: Optional[str]
      limitations: Optional[str]
      name: str
      save_models_to_registry: bool
      suppress_class_validation_warnings: bool
      tags: Optional[List[str]]
      trade_offs: Optional[str]
      use_cases: Optional[str]
      version: Union[ModelStages, int, str, NoneType]
      was_created_in_this_run: bool
    name: Optional[str]
          attribute: Optional[str]
          module: str
          type: SourceType
        materializer_source: Optional[Tuple[Source, ...]]
    parameters: {}
        apt_packages: List[str]
        build_context_root: Optional[str]
        build_options: Mapping[str, Any]
        copy_files: bool
        copy_global_config: bool
        dockerfile: Optional[str]
        dockerignore: Optional[str]
        environment: Mapping[str, Any]
        install_stack_requirements: bool
        parent_image: Optional[str]
        replicate_local_python_environment: Union[List[str], PythonEnvironmentExportMethod,
        required_hub_plugins: List[str]
        required_integrations: List[str]
        requirements: Union[NoneType, str, List[str]]
        skip_build: bool
        source_files: SourceFileMode
        target_repository: str
        user: Optional[str]
        cpu_count: Optional[PositiveFloat]
        gpu_count: Optional[NonNegativeInt]
        memory: Optional[ConstrainedStrValue]
    step_operator: Optional[str]
      attribute: Optional[str]
      module: str
      type: SourceType

The generated config contains most of the available configuration options for this pipeline. Let's walk through it section by section:

enable_XXX parameters

These are boolean flags for various configurations:

build ID

The UUID of the build to use for this pipeline. If specified, Docker image building is skipped for remote orchestrators, and the Docker image specified in this build is used.

extra dict

This is a dictionary that is available to be passed to steps and pipelines called extra. This dictionary is meant to be used to pass any configuration down to the pipeline, step, or stack components that the user has use of. See an example in this section.

Configuring the model

Specifies the ZenML Model to use for this pipeline.

Pipeline and step parameters

A dictionary of JSON-serializable parameters specified at the pipeline or step level. For example:

    gamma: 0.01

            gamma: 0.001

Corresponds to:

def trainer(gamma: float):
    # Use gamma as normal

def my_pipeline(gamma: float)
    # use gamma or pass it into the step

Important note, in the above case, the value of the step would be the one defined in the steps key (i.e. 0.001). So the YAML config always takes precedence over pipeline parameters that are passed down to steps in code. Read this section for more details.

Normally, parameters defined at the pipeline level are used in multiple steps, and then no step-level configuration is defined.

Note that parameters are different from artifacts. Parameters are JSON-serializable values that are passed in the runtime configuration of a pipeline. Artifacts are inputs and outputs of a step, and need not always be JSON-serializable (materializers handle their persistence in the artifact store).

Setting the run_name

To change the name for a run, pass run_name as a parameter. This can be a dynamic value as well. Read here for details..

Real-time settings

Settings are special runtime configurations of a pipeline or a step that require a dedicated section. In short, they define a whole bunch of execution configuration such as Docker building and resource settings.

failure_hook_source and success_hook_source

The source of the failure and success hooks.

Step-specific configuration

A lot of pipeline-level configuration can also be applied at a step level (as we already seen with the enable_cache flag). However, there is some configuration that is step-specific, meaning it cannot be applied at a pipeline level, but only at a step level.

  • experiment_tracker: Name of the experiment_tracker to enable for this step. This experiment_tracker should be defined in the active stack with the same name.

  • step_operator: Name of the step_operator to enable for this step. This step_operator should be defined in the active stack with the same name.

  • outputs: This is configuration of the output artifacts of this step. This is further keyed by output name (by default, step outputs are named output). The most interesting configuration here is the materializer_source, which is the UDF path of the materializer in code to use for this output (e.g. materializers.some_data.materializer.materializer_class). Read more about this source path here.

Learn more about step configuration in the dedicated section on managing steps.

Hierarchy and precedence

Some things can be configured on pipelines and steps, some only on one of the two. Pipeline-level settings will be automatically applied to all steps, but if the same setting is configured on a step as well that takes precedence.

When an object is configured, ZenML merges the values with previously-configured keys. E.g.:

from zenml.config import ResourceSettings

@step(settings={"resources": ResourceSettings(cpu_count=2, memory="1GB")})
def my_step() -> None:

    settings={"resources": ResourceSettings(gpu_count=1, memory="2GB")}

# cpu_count: 2, gpu_count=1, memory="2GB"

In the above example, the two settings configurations were automatically merged.

Fetching configuration

Any configuration can be fetched using the client from the Python SDK. For example, say we use the extra parameter to tag a pipeline:

@pipeline(name='my_pipeline', extra={'tag': 'production'})


This tag is now associated and tracked with all pipeline runs, and can be fetched later:

from zenml.client import Client

pipeline_run = Client().get_pipeline_run("<PIPELINE_RUN_NAME>")

# print out the extra
# {'tag': 'production'}

The configuration is also displayed in the dashboard in the pipeline run details page.

Last updated