Handling dependencies

How to handle issues with conflicting dependencies

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Dependency Resolution and ZenML

This page documents a some of the common issues that arise when using ZenML with other libraries.

Last Updated: October 17, 2023

When using ZenML with other libraries, you may encounter issues with conflicting dependencies. ZenML aims to be stack- and integration-agnostic, allowing you to run your pipelines using the tools that make sense for your problems. With this flexibility comes the possibility of dependency conflicts.

ZenML allows you to install dependencies required by integrations through the zenml integration install ... command. This is a convenient way to install dependencies for a specific integration, but it can also lead to dependency conflicts if you are using other libraries in your environment. An easy way to see if the ZenML requirements are still met (after installing any extra dependencies required by your work) by running zenml integration list and checking that your desired integrations still bear the green tick symbol denoting that all requirements are met.

Suggestions for Resolving Dependency Conflicts

Use a tool like pip-compile for reproducibility

Consider using a tool like pip-compile (available through the pip-tools package) to compile your dependencies into a static requirements.txt file that can be used across environments.

For a practical example and explanation of using pip-compile to address exactly this need, see our 'gitflow' repository and workflow to learn more.

Use pip check to discover dependency conflicts

Running pip check will verify that your environment's dependencies are compatible with one another. If not, you will see a list of the conflicts. This may or may not be a problem or something that will prevent you from moving forward with your specific use case, but it is certainly worth being aware of whether this is the case.

Well-known dependency resolution issues

Some of ZenML's integrations come with strict dependency and package version requirements. We try to keep these dependency requirements ranges as wide as possible for the integrations developed by ZenML, but it is not always possible to make this work completely smoothly. Here are some of the known issues:

  • label_studio: the packages required for this integration are not compatible with quite a few of our other integrations. At a minimum, you will get warnings when installing label_studio via zenml integration install .... We have found these warnings to be mostly harmless. You might find you need to separate your installations of Label Studio and any other integrations you need for your environment / pipeline, however. Note the warning on our own documentation page for the Label Studio integration which currently breaks ZenML's CLI.

  • click: ZenML currently requires click~=8.0.3 for its CLI. This is on account of another dependency of ZenML. Using versions of click in your own project that are greater than 8.0.3 may cause unanticipated behaviors.

Manually bypassing ZenML's integration installation

It is possible to skip ZenML's integration installation process and install dependencies manually. This is not recommended, but it is possible and can be run at your own risk.

Note that the zenml integration install ... command runs a pip install ... under the hood as part of its implementation, taking the dependencies listed in the integration object and installing them. For example, zenml integration install gcp will run pip install "kfp==1.8.16" "gcsfs" "google-cloud-secret-manager" ... and so on, since they are specified in the integration definition.

To do this, you will need to install the dependencies for the integration you want to use manually. You can find the dependencies for the integrations by running zenml integration list and looking at the REQUIRED_PACKAGES column. You can then amend and tweak those requirements as you see fit. Note that if you are using a remote orchestrator, you would then have to place the updated versions for the dependencies in a DockerSettings object (described in detail here) which will then make sure everything is working as you need.

Last updated