User Roles & Permissions

How roles and permissions work within ZenML

This is an older version of the ZenML documentation. To read and view the latest version please visit this up-to-date URL.

Permissions and roles are an alpha feature of ZenML and are in active development.


The following global permissions are available within ZenML.

read: Read permission on all resources. write: Write permission on all resources. me: Permission for a user to edit their own user metadata (username, password, etc.)

To view the available permissions through the CLI simply run:

zenml permission list


Users are granted Permissions through Roles. You can list all roles with their associated permissions by running.

zenml role list

Default Roles

By default, ZenML comes with two roles.

admin: The admin role grants all permissions globally. (Permissions: read, write, me )

guest: The guest role lets users change their own user data and grants general global read access. (Permissions: read, me )

Custom Roles

You can also create your own roles through the CLI:

zenml role create <ROLE_NAME> -p read -p write -p me

Assigning roles to users

Roles can be assigned to users through the CLI:

zenml role assign <ROLE_NAME> --user <USER_NAME>

alternatively this can also be done during user creation

zenml user create <USER_NAME> --role <ROLE_NAME>

By default, user creation through the UI will grant the user admin rights. This default behavior will change in the next iteration of the Dashboard as the role will be selectable during user creation and in the User settings menu.

Listing active role assignments

If you want to inspect which roles have been assigned to which users, simply run:

zenml role assignment list


  • For the time being all roles apply permissions locally. This may change in the future. Feel free to let us know on Slack or through our Roadmap if this is important for you.

  • Permissions and roles only become relevant if you are running through a deployed ZenML Server. In local settings with a direct connection to a SQLite Database user access is not limited/granted by roles.

Last updated