Deploying with Helm

Deploying ZenML in a Kubernetes cluster with Helm

This is an older version of the ZenML documentation. To read and view the latest version please visit this up-to-date URL.

If you wish to manually deploy and manage ZenML in a Kubernetes cluster of your choice, ZenML also includes a Helm chart among its available deployment options.

The Helm chart is not available on a public online repository yet, but it is included in the ZenML source code repository. You can follow this guide to deploy ZenML in any Kubernetes cluster using the Helm chart.


You'll need the following:

  • A Kubernetes cluster.

  • Optional, but recommended: a MySQL-compatible database reachable from the Kubernetes cluster (e.g. one of the managed databases offered by Google Cloud, AWS or Azure). A MySQL server version of 8.0 or higher is required.

  • the Kubernetes client already installed on your machine and configured to access your cluster.

  • Helm installed on your machine.

To gain access to the ZenML Helm chart, you'll need to clone the ZenML repository and checkout the main branch, or one of the release tags:

git clone
# Optional: checkout a previous release tag
# git checkout 0.21.1 
# Switch to the directory that hosts the helm chart
cd src/zenml/zen_server/deploy/helm/

You can start by taking a look at the values.yaml file and familiarizing yourself with some of the configuration settings that you can customize for your ZenML deployment.

In addition to tools and infrastructure, you will also need to collect and prepare information related to your database to be used for the Helm chart configuration and you may also want to install additional optional services in your cluster.

When you are ready, you can proceed to the installation section.

Collect information from your SQL database service

Using an external MySQL-compatible database service is optional, but is recommended for production deployments. If omitted, ZenML will default to using an embedded SQLite database, which has the following limitations:

  • the SQLite database is not persisted, meaning that it will be lost if the ZenML server pod is restarted or deleted

  • the SQLite database does not scale horizontally, meaning that you will not be able to use more than one replica at at time for the ZenML server pod

If you decide to use an external MySQL compatible database service, you will need to collect and prepare the following information for the Helm chart configuration:

  • the hostname and port where the SQL database is reachable from the Kubernetes cluster

  • the username and password that will be used to connect to the database. It is recommended that you create a dedicated database user for the ZenML server and that you restrict its privileges to only access the database that will be used by ZenML. Enforcing secure SSL connections for the user/database is also recommended. See the MySQL documentation for more information on how to set up users and privileges.

  • the name of the database that will be used by ZenML. The database does not have to exist prior to the deployment (ZenML will create it on first start). However, you need to create the database if you follow the best practice of restricting database user privileges to only access it.

  • if you plan on using SSL to secure the client database connection, you may also need to prepare additional SSL certificates and keys:

    • the TLS CA certificate that was used to sign the server TLS certificate, if you're using a self-signed certificate or signed by a custom certificate authority that is not already trusted by default by most operating systems.

    • the TLS client certificate and key. This is only needed if you decide to use client certificates for your DB connection (some managed DB services support this, CloudSQL is an example).

Optional cluster services

It is common practice to install additional infrastructure-related services in a Kubernetes cluster to support the deployment and long-term management of applications. For example:

  • an Ingress service like nginx-ingress is recommended if you want to expose HTTP services to the internet. An Ingress is required if you want to use secure HTTPS for your ZenML deployment. The alternative is to use a LoadBalancer service to expose the ZenML service using plain HTTP, but this is not recommended for production.

  • a cert-manager is recommended if you want to generate and manage TLS certificates for your ZenML deployment. It can be used to automatically provision TLS certificates from a certificate authority (CA) of your choice, such as Let's Encrypt. As an alternative, the ZenML Helm chart can be configured to auto-generate self-signed or you can generate the certificates yourself and provide them to the Helm chart, but this makes it more difficult to manage the certificates and you need to manually renew them when they expire.

ZenML Helm Installation

Configure the Helm chart

To customize the Helm chart for your deployment, you should create a copy of the values.yaml file located in the src/zenml/zen_server/deploy/helm folder (let’s call this custom-values.yaml). You’ll use this as a template to customize your configuration. Any values that you don’t override you should simply remove from your custom-values.yaml file to keep it clean and compatible with future Helm chart releases.

In most cases, you’ll need to change the following configuration values in custom-values.yaml:

  • default username and password values

  • the database configuration, if you mean to use an external database:

    • the database URL, formatted as mysql://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database>

    • CA and/or client TLS certificates, if you’re using SSL to secure the connection to the database

  • the Ingress configuration, if enabled:

    • enabling TLS

    • enabling self-signed certificates

    • configuring the hostname that will be used to access the ZenML server, if different from the IP address or hostname associated with the Ingress service installed in your cluster

Note All the file paths that you use in your helm chart (e.g. for certificates like database.sslCa) must be relative to the src/zenml/zen_server/deploy/helm helm chart directory, meaning that you also have to copy these files there.

Install the Helm chart

Once everything is configured, you can run the following command in the src/zenml/zen_server/deploy/helm folder to install the Helm chart.

helm -n <namespace> --create-namespace install zenml-server . --values custom-values.yaml 

Connect to the deployed ZenML server

The Helm chart should print out a message with the URL of the deployed ZenML server. You can use the URL to open the ZenML UI in your browser. You can also use the URL to connect your local ZenML client to the server.

To connect to a ZenML server, you can either pass the configuration as command line arguments or as a YAML file:

zenml connect --url= --username=admin --no-verify-ssl


zenml connect --config=/path/to/zenml_server_config.yaml

The YAML file should have the following structure when connecting to a ZenML server:

url: <The URL of the ZenML server>
username: <The username to use for authentication>
password: <The password to use for authentication>
verify_ssl: |
   <Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether the
   server's TLS certificate is verified, or a string, in which case it
   must be a path to a CA certificate bundle to use or the CA bundle
   value itself>

Example of a ZenML server YAML configuration file:

username: admin
password: Pa$$word123
verify_ssl: |

Both options can be combined, in which case the command line arguments will override the values in the YAML file. For example, it is possible to supply the password only as a command line argument:

zenml connect --username zenml --password='Pa@#$#word' --config=/path/to/zenml_server_config.yaml

To disconnect from the current ZenML server and revert to using the local default database, use the following command:

zenml disconnect

ZenML Helm Deployment Scenarios

This section covers some common Helm deployment scenarios for ZenML.

Minimal deployment

The example below is a minimal configuration for a ZenML server deployment that uses a temporary SQLite database and a ClusterIP service that is not exposed to the internet:


  # Use your own password here
  defaultPassword: password

    enabled: false

Once deployed, you have to use port-forwarding to access the ZenML server and to connect to it from your local machine:

kubectl -n zenml-server port-forward svc/zenml-server 8080:80
zenml connect --url=http://localhost:8080 --username=default --password password

This is just a simple example only fit for testing and evaluation purposes. For production deployments, you should use an external database and an Ingress service with TLS certificates to secure and expose the ZenML server to the internet.

Basic deployment with local database

This deployment use-case still uses a local database, but it exposes the ZenML server to the internet using an Ingress service with TLS certificates generated by cert-manager and signed by Let's Encrypt.

First, you need to install cert-manager and nginx-ingress in your Kubernetes cluster. You can use the following commands to install them with their default configuration:

helm repo add jetstack
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --set installCRDs=true
helm install nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace nginx-ingress --create-namespace

Next, you need to create a ClusterIssuer resource that will be used by cert-manager to generate TLS certificates with Let's Encrypt:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: letsencrypt-staging
  namespace: cert-manager
    email: <your email address here>
      name: letsencrypt-staging
    - http01:
          class: nginx

Finally, you can deploy the ZenML server with the following Helm values:


  # Use your own password here
  defaultPassword: password

    enabled: true
    annotations: "letsencrypt-staging"
      enabled: true
      generateCerts: false

Note This use-case exposes ZenML at the root URL path of the IP address or hostname of the Ingress service. You cannot share the same Ingress hostname and URL path for multiple applications. See the next section for a solution to this problem.

Shared Ingress controller

If the root URL path of your Ingress controller is already in use by another application, you cannot use it for ZenML. This section presents three possible solutions to this problem.

Use a dedicated Ingress hostname for ZenML

If you know the IP address of the load balancer in use by your Ingress controller, you can use a service like to create a new DNS name associated with it and expose ZenML at this new root URL path. For example, if your Ingress controller has the IP address, you can use a DNS name like to expose ZenML at the root URL path

To find the IP address of your Ingress controller, you can use a command like the following:

kubectl -n nginx-ingress get svc nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

You can deploy the ZenML server with the following Helm values:


  # Use your own password here
  defaultPassword: password

    enabled: true
    annotations: "letsencrypt-staging"
    host: zenml.<nginx ingress IP address>
      enabled: true
      generateCerts: false

Note This method does not work if your Ingress controller is behind a load balancer that uses a hostname mapped to several IP addresses instead of an IP address.

Use a dedicated Ingress URL path for ZenML

If you cannot use a dedicated Ingress hostname for ZenML, you can use a dedicated Ingress URL path instead. For example, you can expose ZenML at the URL path https://<your ingress hostname>/zenml.

To deploy the ZenML server with a dedicated Ingress URL path, you can use the following Helm values:


  # Use your own password here
  defaultPassword: password

    enabled: true
    annotations: "letsencrypt-staging" /$1
    path: /zenml/?(.*)
      enabled: true
      generateCerts: false

Note This method has one current limitation: the ZenML UI does not support URL rewriting and will not work properly if you use a dedicated Ingress URL path. You can still connect your client to the ZenML server and use it to run pipelines as usual, but you will not be able to use the ZenML UI.

Use a DNS service to map a different hostname to the Ingress controller

This method requires you to configure a DNS service like AWS Route 53 or Google Cloud DNS to map a different hostname to the Ingress controller. For example, you can map the hostname zenml.<subdomain> to the Ingress controller's IP address or hostname. Then, simply use the new hostname to expose ZenML at the root URL path.

Upgrading your ZenML server

To upgrade your ZenML server Helm release to a new version, follow the steps below:

  • Pull the latest version of the Helm chart from the ZenML github repository, or a version of your choice, e.g.:

# If you haven't cloned the ZenML repository yet
git clone
# Optional: checkout an explicit release tag
# git checkout 0.21.1
git pull
# Switch to the directory that hosts the helm chart
cd src/zenml/zen_server/deploy/helm/
  • Simply reuse the custom-values.yaml file that you used during the previous installation or upgrade. If you don't have it handy, you can extract the values from the ZenML Helm deployment using the following command:

    helm -n <namespace> get values zenml-server > custom-values.yaml
  • Upgrade the release using your modified values file. Make sure you are in the directory that hosts the helm chart:

    helm -n <namespace> upgrade zenml-server . -f custom-values.yaml

Info It is not recommended to change the container image tags in the Helm chart to custom values, since every Helm chart version is tested to work only with the default image tags, but if you really want to do it, you can do so by setting the zenml.image.tag and zenml.initImage.tag values in your custom-values.yaml file to the desired ZenML version (e.g. 0.32.0).

Warning If you wish to downgrade a server, make sure that the version of ZenML that you’re moving to has the same database schema. This is because reverse migration of the schema is not supported.

Last updated