Local Artifact Store

Storing artifacts on your local filesystem.

The local Artifact Store is a built-in ZenML Artifact Store flavor that uses a folder on your local filesystem to store artifacts.

When would you want to use it?

The local Artifact Store is a great way to get started with ZenML, as it doesn't require you to provision additional local resources or to interact with managed object-store services like Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage. All you need is the local filesystem. You should use the local Artifact Store if you're just evaluating or getting started with ZenML, or if you are still in the experimental phase and don't need to share your pipeline artifacts (dataset, models, etc.) with others.

How do you deploy it?

The default stack that comes pre-configured with ZenML already contains a local Artifact Store:

$ zenml stack list
Running without an active repository root.
Using the default local database.
┃   👉   │ default    │ default        │ default      ┃

$ zenml artifact-store describe
Running without an active repository root.
Using the default local database.
Running with active stack: 'default'
No component name given; using `default` from active stack.
                           ARTIFACT_STORE Component Configuration (ACTIVE)                           
┃ COMPONENT_PROPERTY │ VALUE                                                                        ┃
┃ TYPE               │ artifact_store                                                               ┃
┃ FLAVOR             │ local                                                                        ┃
┃ NAME               │ default                                                                      ┃
┃ UUID               │ 2b7773eb-d371-4f24-96f1-fad15e74fd6e                                         ┃
┃ PATH               │ /home/stefan/.config/zenml/local_stores/2b7773eb-d371-4f24-96f1-fad15e74fd6e ┃

As shown by the PATH value in the zenml artifact-store describe output, the artifacts are stored inside a folder on your local filesystem.

You can create additional instances of local Artifact Stores and use them in your stacks as you see fit, e.g.:

# Register the local artifact store
zenml artifact-store register custom_local --flavor local

# Register and set a stack with the new artifact store
zenml stack register custom_stack -o default -a custom_local --set

For more, up-to-date information on the local Artifact Store implementation and its configuration, you can have a look at the SDK docs .

How do you use it?

Aside from the fact that the artifacts are stored locally, using the local Artifact Store is no different from using any other flavor of Artifact Store.

ZenML Scarf

Last updated

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