Examples & Use-cases

Use a simple CLI command to quickly run ZenML examples.

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Run ZenML Examples Quickly

One of the best ways to learn ZenML is through examples. ZenML has a growing list of examples showcasing many features and integrations.

There is no need to clone the ZenML repository to get access to examples quickly. Use the series of commands that begin with zenml example to download and even run examples.

Get the full list of available examples:

zenml example list

Pick an example to download into your current working directory:

zenml example pull quickstart
# at this point a `zenml_examples` dir will be created with the example(s) inside it.
# this dir will be located in your current working directory.

Some of our examples can even be run directly from the CLI. When ready to run the example, simply type the following command. If there are any dependencies needed to be downloaded for the example to run, the CLI will prompt you to install them.

zenml example run mlflow-tracking

Learn more about all of the ways you can interact with the examples and use them over on our blogpost about this feature here.

Last updated